Jing, ying, shu, yuan, jing, he points of the yang channels

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Jing, ying, shu, yuan, jing, he points of the yang channels. Wellcome Collection. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.

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Woodcut illustration from a volume dated 1817 (22nd year of the Jiaqing reign period of the Qing dynasty). It consists of a series of circular diagrams setting out the names of the jing (well), ying (surging), shu (conveyor), yuan (source), jing (conduit) and he (confluence) points of the yang channels, i.e. the small intestine channel of hand taiyang, the sanjiao (Triple Burner) channel of hand shaoyang, the large intestine channel of hand yangming, the bladder channel of foot taiyang, the stomach channel of foot yangming and the gall bladder channel of foot shaoyang.


Picture title: Diagram of jing (well); ying (surging); shu (conveyor); yuan (source); jing (conduit); he (confluence) [points]. Other lettering: Hand taiyang channel. Jing (well); ying (surging); shu (conveyor); yuan (source); jing (conduit); he (confluence).Shaoze (Lesser Marsh); geng metal. Qiangu (Front Valley); ren water. Houxi (Back Stream); jia wood. Wangu (Wrist Bone). Yanggu (Yang Valley); bing fire. Xiaohai (Small Sea); wu earth. Foot taiyang channel. Jing (well); ying (surging); shu (conveyor); yuan (source); jing (conduit); he (confluence). Zhiyin (Reaching Yin); geng metal. Tonggu (Connecting Valley); ren water. Shugu (Bundled Bone); jia wood. Jinggu (Capital Bone). Kunlun (Kunlun); bing fire. Weizhong (Middle of the Crook); wu earth. Hand shaoyang. Jing (well); ying (surging); shu (conveyor); yuan (source); jing (conduit); he (confluence). Guanchong (Rushing Pass); geng metal. Yemen (Fluid Portal); ren water. Zhongzhu (Central Islet); jia wood. Yangchi (Yang Pool). Zhigou (Branch Ditch); bing fire. Tianjing (Celestial Well); wu earth. Foot shaoyang channel. Jing (well); ying (surging); shu (conveyor); yuan (source); jing (conduit); he (confluence). Qiaoyin (acupoint); geng metal. Xiaxi (Clamped Stream); ren water. Linqi (Close to Tears); jia wood. Qiuxu (Mound of Ruins). Yangfu (Yang Assistance); bing fire. Yangling (Yang Mound); wu earth. Hand yangming channel. Jing (well); ying (surging); shu (conveyor); yuan (source); jing (conduit); he (confluence). Shangqiu (Shang Mound); geng metal. Er jian (Second Belt); ren water. Sanjian (Third Belt); jia wood. Hegu (Joining the Valley). Yangxi (Yang Stream); bing fire. Quchi (Pool at the Crook); wu earth. Foot yangming channel. Jing (well); ying (surging); shu (conveyor); yuan (source); jing (conduit); he (confluence). Lidui (Sharp Opening); geng metal. Neiting (Inner Courtyard); ren water. Xiangu (Sunken Valley); jia wood. Chongyang (Rushing Yang). Jiexi (Unleashed Stream); bing fire. San li (Three Miles); wu earth.


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