Population Concern Campaign Committee

Part of:
Family Planning Association
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Includes minutes of the Population Concern Campaign Committee, and the committee secretary's correspondence for the Population Concern Planning Committee and the Population Concern Policy Committee.



Physical description

3 files

Biographical note

The committee held its first meeting on 15 January 1971 but was then known as the 'Family Planning International Campaign's Steering Committee'. The initial terms of reference for the committee were to determine Campaign policies, targets and budgets; to advise on potential donors, publicity and advertising; and to determine the composition of the Family Planning International Campaign Committee (FPICC). The FPICC was briefly renamed the 'Population CountDown Campaign Committee' in 1973, but was then disbanded in 1974 as the members of the committee had never met. The aim of this campaign was to enlist the financial support in the UK for the International Planned Parenthood Federation and the work of international relevance of the Family Planning Association and the Margaret Pyke Memorial Trust. The Campaign Co-ordinator's Report had approved the name 'CountDown' for the appeal, so from the 25 January 1972 the committee was renamed 'CountDown Steering Committee of the Family Planning International Campaign'. Following a review of the committee, in December 1973 the NEC decided that the name 'CountDown' would be expanded to 'Population CountDown' in order to clarify the aims of the Campaign. The Population CountDown Steering Committee was now responsible for the allocation of funds recieved and for fund-raising policy matters. The NEC regarded the Population CountDown Campaign Committee (formally known as the Family Planning International Campaign Committee: FPICC) as responsible to it. However as this committee had never met, the Campaign Director suggested that the Population CountDown Campaign Committee should 'cease to be described as a committee', and so the Steering Committee was to be known as the Population CountDown Campaign Committee from 1974. In 1976 the Population CountDown Campaign was reconstituted as an independent body, jointly sponsored by the IPPF and the FPA. The first meeting of the reconstituted Population CountDown Steering Committee was held on 3 February 1976. Due to comments made by campaign workers about the 'D' in 'CountDown', on 1 March 1977 the name 'Population CountDown' was changed to 'Population Concern' (Steering Committee), but with a sub-title 'International CountDown Campaign'. Following recommendations made by the committee to the NEC in 1979, the committees of Population Concern were restructured again. The first meeting of the new Population Concern Campaign Committee was held on 7 May 1980.

Related material

See also the Chief Executive's Population Concern Committee Files (SA/FPA/C/B/1/6).

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