Chinese woodcut: Jade Pillow abscess

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Woodblock illustration from Waike xinfa zhenyan zhinan (Guide to Tried and True Methods at the Heart of External Medicine), published in 1887 (13th year of the Guangxu reign period of the Qing dynasty). It shows the disease location for Jade Pillow abscess (yuzhen ju). This is a type of abscess with a head, or carbuncle, found around the Jade Pillow (yuzhen) point, at the back of the head. It is considered to be caused either by external wind-moist-fire poisons, or by overindulgence in rich, strongly flavoured foods, which causes moist heat and fire to accumulate internally, resulting in an aggregation of heat in the viscera and a disbalance of nutrient (ying) and defensive (wei) Qi, which in turn brings about a proliferation of malignities (xie) in the muscle tissue and skin.


PICTURE TITLE: Yuzhen (Jade Pillow), occurs at the end of the yuzhen bone, at the back of the head. OTHER LETTERING: Yuzhen ju (Jade Pillow abscess)


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