Monopp de Rüdlingen, Conrad

  • Monopp de Rüdlingen, Conrad
Middle 15th century
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Compendium de regimine sanitatis. Written in a neat rounded gothic hand 25-26 lines to a page. Initials, headings and paragraphs marks in red. Fol. 4 (red) Conpendium [sic] de regimine sanitatis Chris / tissimo doctore artis medicine collectum. // UNiuersorum conditor deus / in donis suis benedictus ... 8, line 15 (red) De infante primo nato. / Infans cum primo nascitur ... 151 ...Et / sicut de aly[i]s [sic] intelligatur ut in ipsa tabu / la continetur infrascriptum. / Explicit opus bonum. 151v Liber primus de generali regimine diete quoad omnes etates. // Cur corpus humanum subiicitur mutacione [et] corrupicone / ... 152v In farmacia et precipue in flebothomia. Pseudo-PONTIUS PILATUS. Epistola ad Claudium [recte 'Tiberium']. 153v Poncius pilatus Claudio suo Salutem. Nuper accidit et quod ipse probaui ... line 21 estimas credenum esse mendaciis Iudeorum Vale. Followed by 4 lines of verse beginning 'O gens Iudea, gens misera, gensque iniqua'. 154 (By a different hand) Vrbanus pontifex quintus pro magno munere misit / Imperatori unum agnus dei cum versibus sequentibus / Balsamus ex munda cera cum crismatis unda / ... / ... (line 10). Si quis honorat eum retinet ab hoste triumphans. On the fly-leaf pasted down inside the upper cover are four lines of verse beginning '[Cur]andum est ut sit mens sana in corpore sano'. On fol. 1, four lines of verse: the next two leaves are blank. On fol. 153 is an inscription 'Geor[g]ius Regel 1472 feria secunda post festum michelis' [13th October]: the verses on fol. 154 are by the same hand.


Middle 15th century

Physical description

1 volume 160 ll. (last 6 bl.). 4to. 201/2 X 15 cm. Original stamped calf binding over wooden boards: clasp wanting. Outer margin of the last leaf cut away.


The papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to Archives and Manuscripts material, after the completion of a Reader's Undertaking.

Acquisition note

Purchased 1925.

Ownership note

Below the title in red on fol. 4 'Ad bibliothecam Viennensium P.P. Francis-canorum IX E. 492' by an 18th cent. hand.

Finding aids

Database description transcribed from S.A.J. Moorat, Catalogue of Western Manuscripts on Medicine and Science in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library (London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1962-1973).


Where to find it

  • LocationStatusAccess
    Closed stores

Permanent link


Accession number

  • 44000