Human growth and the development of personality / by Jack H. Kahn.

  • Kahn, Jack H.
[1965], ©1965
    The Commonwealth and International Library of Science Technology Engineering and Liberal Studies 376 Iff HUMAN GROWTH AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONALITY by J. H. KAHN Foreword by G. M. CARSTAIRS
    Here is a profound study of human development presented in a way that actively involves the student in the processes that are described. Professional training is itself an aspect of the development of personality and the student is able to identify himself with the various stages. The boundaries of long established professions are being widened.Workers who have been trained, qualified and experienced in their profession are taking on new tasks and are being asked to deal with emotional problems for which they have had no preparation. This book provides a basis for the understanding of such problems and will enable members of widely different professions to gain insight into the new areas of operation which are common to all. It will therefore be invaluable in refresher courses. Human Growth and Development is now an important part of the syllabus in the many courses in social work and in the training for teachers, nurses and probation officers. The book is likely to become required reading in such courses and could also widen the horizons of undergraduate and post-graduate medical students. A many-sided view of human problems emerges. Physical, intellectual and emotional aspects are dealt with against the social and cultural background. As Professor Carstairs writes in his foreword : This book can be recommen¬ ded "not only to practitioners and students of the helping professions, but also to every intelligent citizen who would like to have a better understanding of human nature in general and of his own personality in particular."
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