World War II Military Service

Part of:
Blacker, Carlos Paton FRCP (1895-1975)
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


From the references assigned by CPB to these files it would appear that some items are missing.



Physical description

13 files

Location of duplicates

A digitised copy is held by Wellcome Collection as part of Codebreakers: Makers of Modern Genetics.


Index to Correspondents

Allum, H for Director of Establishments E.4

Area E.1

"Z" Anti/Tank Battery RA, Aldeson, Maj IS, Commanding E.1

'Michael' E.2/1

1 Division Home Forces, Ryan, Col GJ, Assistant Director Medical Services E.1

1 Division, Assistant Director of Medical Services E.1

1 Division, Assistant Director of Medical Services : Langford, Maj RC for E.1

1 Field Ambulance, Murphy, Col R E.1

1 Field Ambulance, Orderly Officer E.1

1 Field Ambulance, Quartermaster E.1

1 Field Ambulance, Rowlands, Lt E.1

152 Field Ambulance "A" Company, Gordon, Maj John A E.1

152 Field Ambulance, Borrowman, Capt J for E.1

1st Guards Battalion, Camp Commandant E.1

1st Guards Brigade HQ, Nation, Capt E.1

2nd Battalion Coldstream Guards: Adjutant E.1

2nd Battalion Coldstream Guards: Forster, Lt/Col S, Commanding E.1

34th Field Hygiene Section RAMC, Hall, Maj GH, Commanding E.1

5 Field Hospital, Hood, Major WH, Commanding E.1

6th Field Hygiene Section, Morrison, Maj JF Todd, Officer Commanding E.1

78 Division, Assistant Director Medical Services E.4

Adair, Maj CB for Director of Recruiting and Mobilization, War Office E.4

Adeane, Maj Michael E E.2/1

Agnew, Capt JN E.2/2

'Alan' E.2/1

Aldeson, Maj IS, Commanding, "Z" Anti/Tank Battery RA E.1

Allum, H for Director of Establishments, Ministry of Health E.4

Angus, Maj WS, Registrar Military Wing, Hairmyres Hospital E.1

Arkush, Lt D, Army Dental Corps E.1

Army Dental Corps: Arkush, Lt D E.1

Army Dental Corps: Battersby, Capt SG E.1, E.2/1

Army Dental Corps: Cook, Maj WC E.1

Army Dental Corps: French, Capt HC E.1

Army Dental Corps: James, Capt TF E.1, E.2/2

Army Medical Services: James, Col E, for Director-General E.4

Army Medical Services: Smith, Capt DE, for Director-General E.4

Assistant Director Medical Services: 1 Division Home Forces, Ryan, Col GJ E.1

Assistant Director Medical Services: 1 Division, Barry, Col SJ E.1

Assistant Director Medical Services: 1 Division, Sangster, Maj JH for E.1

Assistant Director Medical Services: 1st Division, Langford, Maj RC for E.1

Assistant Director Medical Services: 78 Division E.4

Assistant Director Medical Services: Force 110, McKenzie, Col JM E.1

Assistant Director Medical Services: Glasgow Area, Dorrie, Maj JC for E.1

Assistant Director Medical Services: Glasgow Area, MacKenzie, Col DF E.1

Assistant Director Medical Services: Langford, Maj RC for E.4

Baker, John R ('Bill') E.6

Baker, Maj Charles E.3

Balfour, Lt ADA ('Fido') E.2/2

Barry, Col SJ, Assistant Director of Medical Services, 1 Division E.1

Battersby, Capt SG, Army Dental Corps E.1, E.2/1

Beattie, PM, Matron, Jardine Hall Auxiliary Hospital, Lockerbie E.1

Bell, Colonel E.1

Best E.1

Blow, 2nd Lt JOT E.2/1

Bootle-Wilbraham, Lionel E.6

Borrowman, Capt J, for 152 Field Ambulance E.1

Bracebridge Military Hospital: Dermatologist E.3

British Drug Houses Ltd E.4

Britton, Capt BE E.2/2

Brock, Sir Lawrence J E.6

Bruce, DK, Medical Superintendent, Storthes Hall Mental Hospital E.3

'Buntie' E.2/1

Burnes, Lt EG E.1

Burroughs Wellcome and Co E.4

Cambridge, School of Oriental Studies, Registrar E.4

Carleton, Dr Alice E.6

Carmichael, Prof E Arnold, Secretary, MRC Military Personnel Research Committee E.4

'Cecil' E.2/1, E.2/2

'Charles' E.2/1

Chichester, Capt APS, Adjutant E.2/1

Cook, Maj WC, Army Dental Corps E.1

'Cormie' E.2/1

County Infirmary Brigg, Steward E.2/1

Crowder, Lt F Petre E.2/1, E.2/2

'David' E.1, E.2/1, E.2/2

Dawnay, Capt Lewis E.6

Dawson, Marian E.6

Dawson, Sgt E E.1, E.6

de Havilland, Hugh E.6

de Knoop, Capt W E.2/1, E.2/2, E.3

Deller, Lt Peter JR E.6

Deputy Director Medical Services: 1st Corps: Keatinge, Brig MM E.1

Deputy Director Medical Services: 1st Corps: Stirling, Brig AD E.1

Deputy Director Medical Services: Force 110 E.1

Deputy Director Medical Services: Force 110, Stevenson, Lt-Col Allen C for E.1

Dommen, Lt EJ E.3

Dunn, Dr E.1

Edward E.2/2

Epp, Capt LCdeR E.6

Eyre E.1

Finer, Capt DJ, Hampshire Regiment E.1

Foreign Office Establishment and Finance Division, Moore, MV E.4

Forster, Lt-Col S E.2/1, E.2/2

Forster, Lt-Col S, Commanding 2nd Battalion Coldstream Guards E.1

Fowler, Capt GA E.1, E.3

Fraser, Prof Francis, Ministry of Health E.4

French, Capt HC, Army Dental Corps E.1

'Geoffrey' E.2/1

Gillespie, Dr RD E.6

Gordon, Maj John A, 152 Field Ambulance "A" Company E.1

Government Lymph Establishment E.1

Grey-Turner, Elston E.4

Hairmyres Hospital, Angus, Maj WS, Registrar Military Wing E.1

Hall, Maj GH, Commanding, 34th Field Hygiene Section RAMC E.1

Hampshire Regiment, Finer, Capt DJ E.1

Harford, Capt. E.2/1

Harris, Alan E.6

Hill, Col ER ('Roddy') E.2/1, E.4

Holland, Sir Eardley E.6

Hollis, GT, Oxford University Press E.6

Hood, Major WH, Commanding, No 5 Field Hospital E.1

Irvine, Colonel E.1

James, Capt TF, Army Dental Corps E.1, E.2/2

James, Col E for Director General, Army Medical Services E.4

Janson, Capt Christopher E.2/2

Jardine Hall Auxiliary Hospital, Lockerbie: Beattie, PM, Matron E.1

Jarvis, CSM GW E.2/1

Jelf, CQMS E.1

'Jim' E.2/2

'Joan' E.4

Keatinge, Brig MM, Deputy Director Medical Services, 1st Corps E.1

Keatinge, Brig MM, Deputy Director Medical Services, 1st Corps E.1

'Kenneth' E.6

Kohane, Lt-Col MFF E.1

Kyle, SK E.6

Langford, Maj RC for Assistant Director Medical Services 1 Division E.1,E.4

Lawrence, Capt RF E.3

Lewis E.2/1

Lewis, Cpl DT E.2/2

Lewis, Sir Aubrey E.4

Lincoln County Hospital, Dermatologist E.3

Lindsay, 2nd Lt PL E.2/1

Long, Capt David E.2/1, E.2/2, E.3

Louth County Infirmary: ENT Specialist and Superintendent E.3

MacAndrews, Major E.3

MacKenzie, Col DF, Assistant Director of Medical Services Glasgow Area E.1

Maclennan, DS, Sanitary Inspector, Perth and Kinross County Council E.2/2

Mason, Capt HAC E.3

Mayer Gross, W E.6

McKane E.3

McKenzie, Col JM, Assistant Director of Medical Services Force 110 E.1

Michie, Major CTM, for Deputy Director of Medical Services, Scottish Command E.1

Ministry of Health: Fraser, Prof Francis R E.4

Moore, MV, Foreign Office Establishment and Finance Division E.4

Morrison, Maj JF Todd, Officer Commanding, 6th Field Hygiene Section E.1

MRC Military Personnel Research Committee, Carmichael, Prof E Arnold, Secretary E.4

Mullen, AC, War Office, Casualty Branch E.3

Murphy, Col R, 1 Field Ambulance E.1

'Murray' E.4

Nation, Capt, 1st Guards Brigade HQ E.1

Newfield, Maurice E.6

No 11 General Hospital, Bracebridge, Registrar E.3

O'Hanlon, Maj A for Assistant Director of Medical Services Glasgow Area E.1

Oxford University Press, Hollis, GT E.6

Oxford University, Registrar E.4

'Paddy' E.2/1

'Pal' E.2/2

Parke Davis and Co Ltd E.4

Perth and Kinross County Council, Maclennan, DS, Sanitary Inspector E.2/2

Piggott, Major-Gen FSG ('Roy') E.6

Raffle, Dr Wilfred E.6

'Raymond' E.6

Rick, John E.1

Rideout E.4

Roe, W Nicholas E.6

Ross, Col Andrew E.1

Rowlands, Lt EN E.3

Rowlands, Lt, No 1 Field Ambulance E.1

Ryan, Col GJ, Assistant Director Medical Services, 1 Division Home Forces E.1

Samuel, J E.1

Sangster, Maj JH for Assistant Director of Medical Services, 1 Division E.1

Sawdon, Lt J ('Jim') E.2/1, E.2/2, E.4

Scott, Gertrude E.6

Scott, Lady E.3

Scott, Lt Michael E.2/1, E.4

Senior Medical Officer Force 110 E.1

Senior Medical Officer Pollock Camp E.1

Silver, Miss E.1

Sinclair, Maj Alan F E.1, E.2/1, E.6

Sindson Clive, Capt RW E.2/2

Smith, Capt DE for Director-General, Army Medical Services E.4

St Clair, Capt CMK E.1, E.2/1

Stevenson, Lt-Col Allen C for Deputy Director of Medical Services, Force 110 E.1

Stirling, Brig AD, Deputy Director Medical Services 1st Corps E.1

Stirling, Brig AD, Deputy Director Medical Services, 1st Corps E.1

Storthes Hall Mental Hospital, Bruce, DK, Medical Superintendent E.3

Sutcliffe E.1

Thwing, Butler E.2/1

Trew, Col Maurice E.6

Valentine E.1

Wade, Brig EW, Deputy Director of Medical Services, Force 110 E.1

Walters, GA Bagot E.3

War Office: Adair, Major CB for Director of Recruiting and Mobilization E.4

War Office: Casualty Branch, Mullen, AC E.3

War Office: Woods, Col JH, Assistant Adjutant General E.2/1

Watson, Col John E.6

Whitehead, Sgt E.3

'Wilfred' E.2/1

Wilkinson, Lt-Col AC ('Alex') E.6

Woods, Col JH, Assistant Adjutant General, War Office E.2/1

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