Shaping the future of open innovation : a practical guide for life sciences organisations / authors: R Pigott, R Barker, T Kaan, M Roberts. Significant contributors: N Davie, M Morys, G Outteridge.

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Shaping the future of open innovation : a practical guide for life sciences organisations / authors: R Pigott, R Barker, T Kaan, M Roberts. Significant contributors: N Davie, M Morys, G Outteridge. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work


'Shaping the Future of Open Innovation: A practical guide for life sciences organisations' focuses on how open collaborations in the life sciences are developing. Led by the Wellcome Trust, CASMI and Kinapse, the research shows that there is no one-size-fits-all model for succeeding at open innovation. Partners need to be open-minded about one another's cultures, capabilities and constraints, which will allow sufficient room to tailor a partnership model that takes these factors into account.


London : Wellcome Trust, 2014.



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