Bannister, Patrick

Part of:
One and Other Project
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Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

You can use this work for any purpose, as long as it is not primarily intended for or directed to commercial advantage or monetary compensation. You should also provide attribution to the original work, source and licence. Read more about this licence.


Bannister, Patrick. Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work



Physical description

Audio file duration: 00:10:32 Format of original recording: wav 44.1 khz 16 bit ZOOM digital recorder.

Copyright note

These recordings are part of the One & Other interview series that has been licensed by the Wellcome Trust for public use under Creative Commons Attribution-non commercial-Share Alike 3.00 UK. This means that anyone based in the UK can share and remix the material, as long as it is for non-commercial purposes. Credits, where given, should be to the library at Wellcome Collection, London. (c) Wellcome Trust.


Patrick Bannister works for the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and lives on Tottenham Court Road. He is currently very busy as he is working on the digital economy bill. Having studied social anthropology he has worked as a photographer, in the film industry and in parliament before settling on the rewarding career as a civil servant. He has an active lifestyle and enjoys traveling, climbing and reading. He has been called in as a last minute stand in and has had less than an hour to plan what he is doing. He therefore plans to basically be himself. He has brought with him a book of monologues and on the plinth which he may read from and he also hopes to encourage the viewers to join him in a sing song. If however he is feeling bashful then he feels he may just sit there reading to himself whilst sending text messages to his friends. He would like to use his time to get the most out of it without pushing it too hard.


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