G.46 Four Decades after Birkett,
The Spectator 9 Feb 1972
G.47 Gynaecologists, contraception and abortion - from Birkett to Lane, World Medicine, 23 Oct 1974
G.48 The Pope and Glasgow Pollok, The Freethinker Dec 1974
G.49 Fact and Fiction: replying to Leo Abse, 1 Feb 1975
G.50 The Progress of the Abortion (Amendment) Bill, Family Planning July 1975
G.51 The Progress of the Abortion (Amendment) Bill Part 2: The lessons of the Select Committee, Family Planning Oct 1975
G.52 The Marie Stopes Memorial Lecture 1975: The Compulsory Pregnancy Lobby - then and now, Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, Vol 25, no 159, Oct 1975
G.53 Abortion since 1967, New Humanist Vol 91 no 10 Feb 1976
G.54 FPA Conference: The Pill - on or off prescription; - the Needs of Women. 23 Mar 1976
G.55 Family Planning in retrospect: - of clients and catholics, Family Planning, Apr 1976
G.56 Another attempt to wreck the Abortion Act: will it be Labour MPs against Labour women? Tribune, 11 Feb 1977
G.57 Payments for Pills, Eugenics Society Bulletin (1978) vol 10
G.58 A Woman's Choice on Abortion - Is it Feasible? A Historical View, Doctors for a Woman's Choice on Abortion Open Meeting, 14 Jan 1978
G.59 Midwives and Induction, Midwife, Health Visitor and Community Nurse, March 1979 with Dr A Cartwright
G.60 The Infant Life (Preservation) Act after 50 years, New Humanist Jun 1979
G.61 'A Woman Hater': a forgotten novel on a feminist theme, Spare Rib, no 85, Aug 1979
G.62 Abortion: Back to 1966? New Humanist Aug 1979
G.63 Reflections on Corrie, Medical Society Bulletin, n.d. c.1979