Aston, Ceri

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Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

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Aston, Ceri. Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.

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Physical description

Audio file duration: 00:20:01 1 PDF file Format of original recording: wav 44.1 khz 16 bit MicportPro.

Copyright note

These recordings are part of the One & Other interview series that has been licensed by the Wellcome Trust for public use under Creative Commons Attribution-non commercial-Share Alike 3.00 UK. This means that anyone based in the UK can share and remix the material, as long as it is for non-commercial purposes. Credits, where given, should be to the library at Wellcome Collection, London. (c) Wellcome Trust.


Ceri Aston is from Manchester. She works in television. She thought she would have to do an audition once she had registered her interest in going on the plinth. The fact that there was no criteria really appealled to her. She is a big fan of Gormley. She has been looking at the website. She is taking her husband's ashes with her on the plinth; he died three years ago in an avalanche on Mont Blanc. She will scatter some of the ashes just before she leaves the plinth. She will talk to people on the phone while on the plinth. Being given the place put a lot of pressure on her, but she is not an exhibitionist and would feel uncomfortable doing something that was not herself - she is doing the project for herself. She is going to do a little marketing for the venue her partner is currently working on. She hopes she is ignored when on the plinth. She is a documentary maker, she worked for the BBC but went freelance for more freedom. She developed osteoarthritis not long after her husband died; this change of life is important to her right now, as is putting as much effort into her personal life as her work life. She has been overseeing renovations on a house in Bulgaria.


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