Sales catalogue : Charles A Joel

05 May - 20 May 1914
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    ad Bs Bs F In / >+f WAlHMM [om] (h/9¢ [18% , . CATALOGUE . COMPRISING UPWARDS OF 1,200 O11 Paintings, Water Colour Drawings, Engravings, &e., belonging to the Estate of the late J. A. D. SHIPLEY, EsgQ., WHICH WILL BE Se aidoy, 2A Gl.GAL LGN At the EXHIBITION HALL, St. MARY’S PLACE, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Byer Cr ARLES A: JOBE Aa? Nfs Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, May XO ing Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, May 12,13 & 14 Ti uesday & Wednesday ..... May 19 & 20. On View on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, & Monday, April 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, May Ist, 2nd, & 4th; Friday, Saturday, & Monday, May 8th, 9th, & 11th; and Friday, Saturday, & Monday, May 15th, 16th, & 18th. Admission to View by Catalogue only, price Sixpence each. LIGHT REFRESHMENTS can be had on the premises.