Acupuncture chart, large intestine channel of hand yangmin

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The large intestine channel of hand yangming belongs to the large intestine and connects with the lung. There are 20 acu-moxa locations on this channel (i.e. 40 altogether on both sides of the body), all of which are clearly labelled. See 'Lettering' for full list of point names.


Picture title: Illustration of the large intestine channel of hand yangming. Other lettering: Shangyang (Shang Yang); er jian (Second Belt); san jian (Third Belt); hegu (Joining the Valley); yangxi (Yang Stream); pianli (Veering Passage); wenliu (Warm Flow); xialian (Lower Edge); shanglian (Upper Edge); sanli (Three Miles); quchi (Pool at the Crook); zhouliao (Elbow Crevice); wu li (Five Miles); binao (Upper Arm); jianyu (Collar Bone); jugu (Great Bone); tianding (Celestial Tripod); futu (Support the Prominence); heliao; yingxiang (Welcome Fragrance)



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