Irene Rowena Power is from Grimsby. Gormley's work inspired her to apply. She is going to try and project peace throughout the world while on the plinth. She tries to follow Buddhism and hopes to speak to at least one person. She has brought a Buddhist meditation bell and an olive branch. She is wearing the maroon and orange of Buddhism, she also has some prayer beads given to her by a Buddhist monk and a Buddha around her neck. She chose to do this because it is her. She had considered taking a bus stop on the plinth, or doing something music related. She hopes to leave with a memory she will never forget. She hopes to please Gormley, and also her husband. She travelled to India working for the charity MIND. Her husband and family are most important to her. Happiness and health are important too. She is a calm, thoughtful, loyal, loving, passionate and romantic person. In the 1970s she was a life model at Grimsby art school. She was worried that she had the wrong idea for the plinth, that she should try and entertain; but on reflection decided it was about the individual. She reads a statement about her on the plinth.