Transcript (39 pages) of an interview conducted by Robert Olby, on 8 March, 1968, with (marked) additions from a second interview, and a marginal comment from Crick (p. 29).
The interview is listed in the bibliography to Olby, The Path to the Double Helix (1974 and 1994).
Also included in the file is related correspondence from Olby, and the following typescripts:
1. Olby, fragment with side-heading "On Schrödinger" [1969]
2. Olby, "Schrödinger's problem: what is life?" [1969]
3. Olby, untitled fragment of a biographical and intellectual account of Crick's life and work, to 1961 [1969]. NB Pages 1-3, 5-8, 11, 15-16, 19-29 are wanting. Page 38 is the final page in the file. The text is marked in the margins. The text is a draft of Olby, "Francis Crick, DNA, and the central dogma," Daedalus, 99: 4 (1970), 938-87.
4. Olby, "The macromolecule concept and the origins of molecular biology" (1968, mimeograph).
There is some correspondence between Crick and Robert Olby regarding draft chapters of Olby, The Path to the Double Helix (1974).
In addition, the file contains Crick's detailed comments on portions of Olby's draft text. The comments (in holograph and typescript) are divided into three types: "Very General Remarks", "Less General Remarks" and "Detailed Remarks". Crick has also made editorial amendments to his "recorded remarks" made in interview.
Also included are drafts of Crick's "Foreword" to the book (holograph and typescript).