- Date:
- 1910-1945
- Reference:
- Part of:
- Lewis, Sir Thomas
- Archives and manuscripts
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About this work
Physical description
Index to correspondents in this section:
Abbot, ME A.1/1-12
Academie Royale de Médicine, Belgium A.1/37
Adair, A.2
Adams, WE A.1/13-15
Adrian, ED A.1/16-21, A.1/77-861, A.2
Alexander, J A.1/22-25
Allen, Dr HW A.1/777-861
Anderson, H A.1/26
Arkwright, JA A.1/777-861
Asclioff, Professor, A.3
Association of American Physicians, A.1/27
Barber, HW A.1/174-176, A.2
Barcroft, H A.1/584-591
Barger, G A.1/28-30
Barlow, HM, Royal College of Physicians, A.1/634-660
Bastianelli A.1/31-33
Battro, Profesor A, A.3
Baxter, R A.1/669-671
Bayliss, A.1/36
Bazett, HC A.1/34-35
Beit Memorial Fellowship, A.1/777-861
Bishop, GH A.1/39-41
Blackman, Professor F, A.3
Blalock, A A.1/42-43
Bouchaert, JJ A.1/44-45
Bradford, Sir John Rose, A.1/48
Brain, R A.1/49-50
Bramwell, C A.1/51-59
Brander, WB A.1/697-698
Breitmann, M A.1/38
Bremer, F A.1/60-61
British Association for the Advancement of Science, A.1/62-68
British Council A.1/69-81
British Medical Journal, A.1/82-92
British Pharmacopoeia Commission, A.1/93-96
Brown, G A.1/97-98
Brown, GL, The Physiological Society, A.2
Bruce Vaughn, EM A.1/777-861
Brumlik, J A.1/145-151
Burroughs Wellcome & Co, A.1/99-100
Bury, JS A.1/101
Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co. Ltd, A.1/777-861
Campbell, M A.1/104-105
Cannon, WB A.1/102-103
Cardiac Club A.1/104-105
Cardiac Society A.1/105-114
Carmichael, EA A.1/115-119
Chamberlain, EN A.1/120-121
Chance, A A.1/122
Chandler, FG A.1/492-502
Chavez, I A.1/123-124
Chicago Association for the Prevention of Heart Disease, A.1/125-127
Chromow, B A.1/136-137
Cohn, AE A.1/777-861
Collison, WE A.1/672-677
Coombs, Carey F A.1/138, A.1/777-861
Cossio, P A.3
Cowdry, EV A.1/518-519
Craib, WH A.1/130-133, A.1/862-884, A.1/886-884. A.1/192-195
Creed, RS A.1/134-135
Crehore, AC A.1/777-861
Crone, PB A.1/139
Crowden, GP A.1/597-598
Cushing, H A.1/140-143
Cushny, AR A.1/144, A.1/777-861
Czechoslovak Cardiology Society A.1/145-151, A.3
Dale, Sir Henry H, A.1/152-173, A.1/862-884, A.1/886-888, A.2
Darier, J A.1/174-176
Darling, HCR A.1/177-178
Davies, Dr A.1/179
Davis, H A.1/93-96
Dawson, Lord A.1/180
Dean, HR A.1/181-183
Dott, EF A.1/184-185
Drury, AN A.1/77-861, A.1/186-187
Eccles, JB A.1/188-191
Einthoven, W A.1/797-861, A.1/862-884, A.1/886-884, A.1/192-195
Elliott, TR A.1/777-861
Evan Bedford, D A.1/104-114
Evans, W A.1/196-197
Eve, FC A.1/198-203
Eyster, Prof A.1/204
Falco, RB A.1/260-262
Feldberg, W A.1/707-715
Fischer, A.4
Fitzgerald, Dr A.1/205
Fleischmann, Prof P A.1/777-861
Flexner, A A.1/206-207
Floyd Boys A.1/46-47
Fowler, VK A.1/777-861
Fraser, F A.1/777-861
Fraser, T A.1/777-861
Fredericq, L A.1/777-861
Freundlich, J A.4
Fulton, J A.1/208-233
Gaddum, JH A.1/234
Gallemaertz, VF A.1/777-861
Gallevardin, L A.1/235-238, A.1/777-861
Galway, WR A.1/239-240
Garrey, WE A.1/241-240
Gasser, HS A.1/245-249, A.2
Gerhardt, Prof, Würzburg, A.1/777-861
Gerrard, WI A.1/250-252
Gibson, G A.1/777-861
Glasgow University, A.1/253-256
Glazebrook, RS A.1/257-259
Goldby, WB A.1/260-262
Goldenberg, Dr A.4
Goldschmidt, R A.1/263-266
Govaerts, P A.1/267-268
Grandauer, Karl A.1/269-270
Grant, RT, 1943, A.2
Green, PW A.1/271-272
Gregory, Sir Richard, A.1/520-534
Griffith, TW A.1/273-276
Gross, L A.1/277-278
Gunn, JA A.1/777-861
Haldane, JBS A.1/285
Haldane, JS A.1/286
Hall, AJ A.1/187-289
Hamburger, AM A.1/125-127
Hampshire, CH A.1/93-96, A.1/575-576
Hare, Dr A.1/284
Harris, HA A.1/290-292
Harrower, HR A.1/293-294
Hartsilver, J A.1/295-299
Harvey Film A.1/69-81
Hay, J A.1/300-310
Head, Sir Henry, A.1/311
Heart Institute, Munich A.4
Henderson, Y A.1/312-314, A.1/777-861
Herrick, JB A.1/777-861
Herxheimer, HGJ A.1/315-318, A.2
Hesling, G A.2
Hetherington, HJW A.1/253-256
Heymans, C A.1/319-323
Hill, AV A.1/324-325, A.1/777-884
Hinsey, JC A.1/326
Hitschmann, M A.4
Hoffman, A.1/777-861
Holdsworth, C Dyson A.1/327-328
Holland A.1/541, A.3
Holmes, J A.1/329-330
Horner, NG A.1/82-92
Horsfall, WN A.1/331-332
Howard and Sons Ltd, A.1/330-340
Howard Jones, N A.1/69-81
Howarth, OVR A.1/62-68
Howitt, F A.3
Hume, WE A.1/341-344
Izquierdo, J A.1/356
Jackson, WPU A.1/49-50
James, T A.1/577-578
Johnson, TWJ A.1/357-360
Jones, Dr A.4
Jones, TD A.1/361-363
Kast, L A.1/518-519
Kelsall, AR A.3
Kelynack, TN A.1/641
Kendrew, A A.1/364-365
Kerr, WJ A.1/366-369
King, H A.1/333-340
Knobel, TE A.1/129-129
Krehl, L A.1/370-371
Kroch, A A.1/372-388
Lancet, The A.1/389-409
Landis, EM A.1/410-428, A.1/599-602
Langwell, HG A.1/429
Laplace, LB A.1/430-431
Lavine, L A.1/432-435
Le Good, DH A.1/443-446, A.3
Learmouth, JR A.1/436-440, A.2
Leriche, Prof A.1/441
Levine, SA A.1/442
Libensky, Prof., Czechoslovak Cardiology Society A.1/145-151, A.3
Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, A.1/447-448
Llandborough Hospital, A.1/449-453
Loeser, Dr A.1/454
Loewi, O A.1/455
Lucia, AP A.1/456
Luten, D A.1/457-459
Luton Children's Hospital, A.2
Mackenzie, I A.1/777-861, A.1/484
Mackenzie, Sir James, A.1/460-483, A.1/777-861
Maclean, Hugh A.1/485-486
MacWilliam, JA A.1/485-486
Man, H A.1/489-490
Marvin, HM A.1/491
Maybury, A.2
McAdam, WA A.4
McCrae, A.1/487
McSwiney, Prof A.1/488
Melk, WJ A.1/777-861
Mellanby, Prof Sir Edward, A.1/28-30, A.1/567-572, A.1/777-861
Mendlowitz, M A.1/492-502
Milroy, TH A.1/503-505
Ministry of Home Security, A.1/506
Mobitz, Dr A.1/507-508
Monckeberg, JG A.1/777-861
Morgan, B A.1/509-510
Morgan, HJ, 1937, A.1/27
Morley, J A.1/511-514
Muller, K A.1/515-516
Myers, C A.1/517
National Research Council, A.1/518-519
Nature, A.1/520-534
Nixon, JA A.1/535-538
Nolf, P A.1/539-54
Noon, L A.1/777-861
Norske Medicinske Selskab, A.1/541
O'Brien, DP A.2
Oppenheimer, BS A.1/542-544, A.1/777-861
O'Shaughnessy, L A.1/545-547
Owen, SA A.1/548-550
Owles, WH A.1/551-552
Paget, S, Research Defence Society, A.1/777-861
Pardee, HEB A.1/553-554
Parkinson A.1/555
Parsons, AL A.1/556-662
Penfield, W A.1/563-564
Penfold, WJ A.1/565-566
Perry, B A.1/567-572
Petersen, OWCE A.1/573-574
Pharmacopoeia Commission, A.1/575-576
Phillips, S A.1/634-640
Pickard, RH A.1/696
Pickering, GW A.1/695
Pilgrim Trust A.1/577-578
Pochin, EE A.1/134-135
Polak, Dr A.1/579
Porter, WB A.1/580-583
Poulton, EP A.1/584-591
Primrose, AF A.1/69-81
Pritchard, EAB A.1/594-595
Prusik, B A.1/596
Research Defence Society A.1/597-598, A.777-861
Richards, AN A.1/599-602
Robertson, R A.1/603-606
Robinson, GC A.1/607-609
Romber, Dr A.4
Roos, Dr A.1/610-611
Rosenberger, Dr A.1/777-861
Rothberger, CJ A.1/612-628
Roxburgh, A A.1/629
Royal College of Physicians A.1/634-640
Royal Institute of Public Health, A.1/641
Royal Society A.1/642-643, A.1/777-861, A.2
Royal Society of Edinburgh, A.1/644
Ruhmann, A.4
Rushton, WAH A.1/645-650, A.1/777-861
Russ, S A.1/651
Sainsbury, H A.1/657-658
Samoyloff, A A.1/659-660
Samways, DW A.1/777-861
Scherf, Dr A.4
Schrumpf A.1/661
Scotti Douglas, R A.1/668
Scovell, JM A.1/662
Sebastiani, Dr A.1/663
Sharpey-Schafer, Sir Edward, A.2, B.6
Sherington, Sir Charles, A.1/777-861, A.1/663
Sinclair, HM A.1/134-135, A.2
Smith, Gen Sir F, A.1/666-667, A.1/777-861
Sociedad Argentina de Cardiologia, A.3
Societa Lombarda Di Medicina, A.1/668
Solomons, B A.1/669-671
Sprott, NA A.1/672-677
Stannus, HS A.1/678-679
Stopford, Sir John, A.2
Stroud, WD A.1/680-683
Taylor, GO A.1/684
Telford, Prof A.1/685-686
The Institute of Medicine of Chicago A.1/128-129
The Physiological Society, A.2
Thomas, CB A.1/687-688
Thomson, C A.2
Towers, S A.2
Turnbull, HM A.1/689-694
Universities Bureau of the British Empire, A/1/697-698
Vaquez, Prof LH A.1/699-700
Vaughan, J A.2
Vey, DCL A.1/701-702
Vines, HWC A.1/703-706
Volhard, D A.1/777-861
Walford, A A.1/443-446
Walshe, FMR A.1/716-722
Waterston, D A.1/723-731
Waugh, GE A.1/777-861
Wayne, EJ A.1/386-388
Weber, A A.1/732-733
Weddell, G A.1/734-737
Weiss, S A.3
Welch, WH A.1/777-861
White, AJS A.1/69-81
White, PD A.1/777-861
Winner, AL A.1/492-502
Winternitz, M A.4
Wolferth, C A.2
Wybauw, R A.1/152-173, A.1/777-861
Zak, Prof E A.4