Chinese woodcut: Abscesses -- whitlow, etc.

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Woodcut illustrating the 17th century text Xu Ping waike zhengzong (Orthodox Manual of External Medicine with Commentary by Xu Dachun), from an edition published in 1860 (10th year of the Xianfeng reign period of the Qing dynasty).

Right-hand illustration:

The illustration shows the disease location for biaoju (whitlow); jia ding (jaw boil); yusai (Fish Gill); zuoma yong (Horse Riding abscess), jiao ju (gummy abscess), le ju (pleasure abscess), shiliu ju (pomegranate abscess), hongsi ding (red-streaked boil). Biaoju belong to the category of abscesses and ulcers (yongju). As they develop, they consolidate as pointed swellings which are bright red at the top and pink at the root, and are hot and painful. Jia ju are found at the angle of the jaw. Yusai are found on the cheeks. Jiao ju are so called because the matter they contain resembles peach gum. Le ju develop on the front of the shoulders, at the top of the armpit. Shiliu ju are found on the tips of the elbows, and are so called because they resemble a pomegranate. Hongsi ding are mostly found on the hands and feet, and are characterized by red streaks under the skin.

Left-hand illustration:

The illustration shows the disease location for xiama yong (horse-dismounting abscesses) and zuoma yong (horse-riding abscesses). Xiama yong are located in the crease below the right buttock. Zuoma yong are normally described as being located around the upper part of the end of the coccyx, however this illustration places them below the left buttock, the usual location for shangma yong (horse-mounting abscessr). These three types of lesion are all classed as tun yong (buttock abscesses).


RIGHT-HAND ILLUSTRATION: Biaoju (whitlow); jia ding (jaw boil); yusai (Fish Gill); jiao ju (gummy abscess); le ju (pleasure abscess); shiliu ju (pomegranate abscess); hongsi ding (red-streaked boil). LEFT-HAND ILLUSTRATION: Xiama yong (horse-dismounting abscess); zuoma yong (horse-riding abscess).


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