Some members of staff of the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, ca. 1915. Photograph.

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view Some members of staff of the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, ca. 1915. Photograph.

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Some members of staff of the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, ca. 1915. Photograph. Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.

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About this work


Provisionally dated 1915, on the ground that F.G. Shirreff, the Secretary, is not present (he had gone to the War in 1914), but the Librarian, T.W. Huck, who joined up in 1916, is present on the extreme left. G.R. Carline is in the centre of the front row: he started work for Wellcome in August 1914, and was away on sick leave during much of the second half of 1915. One of the men in the back row may be the secretary of the museum, Austin Ewart Hillyard Swinstead, who started work on 28 December 1914 and left in March 1916. The two men on the right may be the commissionaires (both sergeant-majors). Possibly A. Amoruso is second from left: he left to join the army in Italy in November 1915. The curator C.J.S. Thompson does not seem to be present. Comparative photographs of Amoruso and Swinstead have not yet been found, nor have the names of the two women

Physical description

1 photograph


Wellcome Collection 14429i

Reproduction note

After: an original print formerly in the possession of Mrs Appleby, daughter of T.W. Huck

Exhibitions note

Exhibitied in "Medicine Man" at Wellcome Collection, London, 2007-2022

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