European royals and martial heroes marvel at the sight of the defeated Napoleon Bonaparte standing in a glass bottle in their midst. Coloured etching.

25 August 1815
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Louis XVIII is kneeling in front of the bottle praying and thanking heaven for the outcome of the battle of Waterloo

Napoleon's bottle is surrounded by Wellington, Blücher, Schwartzenberg and Frederick of Prussia


London (48 Strand) : J. Jenkins, 25 August 1815.

Physical description

1 print : etching, with watercolour ; sheet 26.7 x 32.2 cm


The ex-emperor in a bottle. Ambition's dread career is o'er, And weeping Europe hopes for peace once more; Sov'reigns in arms, at length the world have free'd, and Britain's warlike sons no more shall bleed: The great Napoleon now resigns his sway, and in a bottle seal'd is borne away Lettering continues: England's great Prince, whom Europe does confess the potent friend of freedom in distress, with allies brave, to the world impartial, seal'd up their foe with achievements martial, that he no more disturb the tranquil world, nor be again his bloody flag unfurl'd. Twas Alexander great, of generous mind. With zealous Frederick, who to peace inclined. Resolved, with Francis, in propitious hour, to free old Gallia from the despot's power. Her tyrannic lord from rule is driven, and grateful Louis offers thanks to heaven. The martial heroes next a tribute claim: first Wellington immortal in his fame; and Blücher, who, for valor lang renown'd , compelled the tyrant's legions to give ground, the cautious Swartzenberg, of wise delays, and the brave Platoff, ask their share of praise


Wellcome Collection 42630i



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