The protests for the year one thousand seven hundred thirty-nine. To which is added, a list of the Peers who voted against an address to approve the convention March the 1st, 1738-9. Also of those who voted for the enquiry, yet voted for the address. Likewise, the names of those Peers who spoke for the address, and of those who spoke against it, with the numbers on each side, both present and proxies. To which is annexed, a list of those Peers who used to vote with the court, but voted against it on this question. Also, a true state of the national-debt, provided or unprovided for by Parliament, as it stood December 31st, 1737, and December 31st, 1738. Together with an account of the produce of the sinking-fund in that year, and to the payment of what debts contracted before the 25th December, 1716, the said fund has been applied. Presented March 21st, 1738-9, according to their lordships address of His Majesty, March 19th, 1738-9.

  • Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords.
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About this work

Also known as

Proceedings. 1739


London : printed for W. Tewley, in Fleetstreet, [1739?]

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6,[2]p.,tables ; 20.

References note

ESTC T171269



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