Sales catalogue: Foster

16 October 1919
          Deraeee see ee ei 2  , a Ww VA 7 \/ | \ ui ee / ay, Telegraph— FOSTERDOM, LONDON, PALL MALL. ATAL LOGUE ™            ManoGany AnD SaTIN-wt Nar CABIN TABLES, BOOKCASES, &C., AS R ITALIAN WALNUT Hatt Cuairs, Iv CommopE, OLD Engiaaid Maroc CHESTS OF DRAWE 3 CARVED AND GILT SETTEBs CARVE AND GILTASONDOLA A ORHER CHAIRS, AN ITALIAN WALNUT AND PAINTED; CABINET FRENCH RED Un AND BR gs WRITING TABLES, RQUETERIE ND PIANO, by Kirkmat , we. : OLD ENGLISH CHINA, f PERSIAN AND CHL. V ESE EMBROIDERY. ES). OLD ENGLISH AND FRENCH INIATURES, IVORY CARVINGS, BRONZES,   ; CUT GLASS, OB), SHEFFIELD PLATE, in PHRSITAN & TURKEY "gin 7 “el I SO” age ANES., including Ports, Suerries of 1858, 1865, 1867, 1868 and 1874 Vin CHATEAU LATOUR 1865, 1876 TEAU LAFITTE 1868, HOCKS, 4 (Lying in Messrs. Tanguidihy's Cellars) the Property of the late Mrs. DE LA GARDEYGRISSALL 5 ATS ng in Cellars at 23, Onslow/Gardens, , the Property ofa, Lady).   N Pexyprert WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION BY STER     (ESTABDISHED"1810. )   At the Gallery, 54, Pall Mall, 8.W. 1 On THursSDAY, the 16th of OcroBER, 1919, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. May be Viewed Tuesday and Wednesday prior, and Catalogues may be had of Messrs. FosTER, 54, Pall Mall, 5.W. iy
    CONDITIONS OF SALE. FIRST.—The highest bidder to be the buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold, , or not, as the auctioneer may decide, who is also to regulate the biddings and be the sole arbiter. The vendors reserve the right of bidding by themselves or. agent, and of withdrawing any lot or lots. SECOND.—The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down, 2/ required, 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the pur- chase-money, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold., THIRD.—The lots are to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, the day after the sale; Messrs. Fostrmr not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of any lot. FOURTH.—To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and incon- venience in the settlement of the purchases, no lot can be transferred, nor can any lot be removed during the time of sale ; such buyer must pay for the whole of his purchases before any lot is removed. FIF'TH.—AII lots uncleared within the time aforesatd may be re-sold by public or private sale, when and where the vendors think proper, without notice to the defaulter ; and the deficiency (if any) and the expenses attending such re-sale, and any other loss the vendor may sustain, shall be made good by the defaulter, but this condition is without prejudice. to the vendor enforcing the pur- chase, whether a deposit has been paid or not.  Nove.—All lots remaining uncleared, by either Vendors or Purchasers, beyond three days from the day of sale, wil be subject to a charge of 6d. each per week for warehousing from the day of sale.
    A CATALOGUE.   On THURSDAY, 16th OCTOBER, 1919, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. MISCELLANIES. LOT . 1 A Worcester blue on white cup and saucer, 5 Japanese blue on white cups and 6 saucers, a pair of plates, with per- _ forated borders, 3 ware tankards, and 2 other pieces Books. War with Russia (6), and 5 others 11 vols. dressing case, part fitted, and a walnut reading stand 4 A brass tazza dish, a pair of brass candlesticks, a picture— A Cavalryman, and 5 other pieces 5 The History of Edinburgh, dy Maitland, 1753, engraved plates, small folio 6 A Staffordshire ware tea service, green floral decoration, 28 pieces An Old English eut-glass jug, with straight cut bands 8 Four straight eut water bottles, 4 tumblers, and a set of 11 wine glasses, on cut stems 9 Four Old English wine glasses, with tears in stems, and another, engraved in birds and flowers 10 Four Old English wine glasses, with blown spiral stems, and a Waterford diamond cut decanter and stopper 11. A diamond cut-glass tazza vase and cover, 7 in. high, a pair of Waterford cut-glass salt cellars, and an 8 in. cut-glass oval dish 12. Three Old English tazza bulbous flower vases, 9 in. high 13. A frosted and gilt glass shell-shaped dish, another, circular, 12 in. diam., a frosted ruby glass claret jug, and a set of : 14 ice plates, with waved edges 14. Five Dutch part fluted large tumblers, 7 in. high bo