Heads representing typical head-formations of different races. Lithographs by G. Schadow, 1834.

  • Schadow, Johann Gottfried, 1764-1850.
  • Pictures

About this work


Volume of lithographs accompanying the text of Schadow's smaller book National-Physiognomieen, oder Beobachtungen ubër den Unterschied der Gesichtszugë und die aüssere Gestaltung des menschlichen Kopfes, als Fortsetzung des Policlet, Berlin 1835


[Berlin] : [J.G. Schadow], [1834]

Physical description

1 volume (29 prints) : lithographs ; sheets 62 x 48 cm


National Physionomie No letterpress: lithographed by hand throughout. Each plate except XIII, XIV bears the legend "National Physionomie" and a plate number, some in Roman numerals and some in Arabic. Most plates have legends to the individual heads. Plate 29 has in addition a credit "G. Schadow Novemb. 1834"


"Plate II" [i.e. I?] 14 skulls and heads of Chinese, kalmuck, European etc.; head of Haho, 1823, and of Assing, 1823
Plate 2 17 heads of Chinese, Kalmuck etc.
Plate 3 12 skulls and heads squared with proportions, "Neger race", "Caffer" etc.
Plate 4 20 heads of Hottentot, Bohemians, heads after paintings by Caravaggio, Africans, heads from Mozambique, Australia, Creoles etc.
Plate V 12 skulls or heads: Brazilian, Mexican, New Holland etc.
Plate VI heads of different races: "Caffern 1814 in Berlin", heads in "Musée Borgia, Velletri", heads from "Mammifères par St Hilaire et Cuvier 2me livraison", heads after Humboldt and Bonpland, five Mexican generals, and New Zealand moko
Plate VII 23 heads of different races: Hottentot, Kora, new Holland, Baffins Bay (Captain Hadlock 1828), New Albion (Capt. Kotzebue)
Plate VIII 6 heads from Bahia in the Royal Museum in Berlin, 1833, and 13 heads from Mozambique and other places
Plate IX 27 heads from different parts of India, of which two after James Forbes Oriental memoirs (1813), one after De Bruyn (1718) and 4 from "picturae indicae"
Plate X 18 heads: Jewish, Persian, Immanuel Kant, others
Plate XI 18 heads: including girl of mixed Jewish and German parentage, Moses Mendelson, children, Pan and Socrates
Plate XII 22 heads: Arabic, Persian and Turkish, after Drouville (1813), De Bruyn, Sadeler (1605) etc.
Plate XIII 9 panels (including Pl. civ-cxi containing many heads: Abyssinian, Egyptian etc. after Henry Salt (1814), Denon etc.
Plate XIV 9 panels (Pl. 104-112): "Egipte"
Plate XV 27 heads: Spanish, including some from Velasquez's Los borrachos
Plate XVI 29 heads: French including deathmask of Henri IV
Plate XVII 21 heads: "Italia" incl. cardinals, artists (Raphael, three Carracci), Tasso, Paganini
Plate XVIII 9 heads: Greek, incl. Alexander, Melpomene, Thalia, Amazon, Euripides
Plate XIX 22 heads including Arsinoe and Ptolemy II Philadelphus, Marianne and 4 modern Greeks
Plate XX 18 heads; German and English
Plate XXI 19 heads: German
Plate XXII 20 heads: English (after Holbein and Reynolds) and Danish (with finger proportions)
Plate XXIII 20 heads: Russian (18, and 2 Spanish for comparison)
Plate XXIV 33 heads: German, Dutch, Polish, French, English, 17th-18th cent.
Plate XXV 18 heads: German, Dutch, British, Siamese etc., 16th-18th cent.
Plate XXVI 33 heads: British, German, French, Flemish, Italian etc., 17th-18th cent., incl. J.S. Bach
Plate XXVII 32 heads: French, German, English, Greek, Spanish etc., 16th-17th cent.
Plate XXVIII 35 heads: British, Dutch, Spanish etc., 17th century
Plate XXIX 8 heads: Frederick the Great (Friedrich II) of Prussia, Napoleon, Isaac Newton, Carl XII of Sweden, and 2 full-length figures of warriors (Baschkir [Bashkir etc.] with bow and arrow, "Drushina" [Druzhina etc.] with rifle)


Wellcome Collection 22034i



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