People sitting on stools at a bar including a figure in full metal armour with the reassuring message 'Turn visors up. Do not be afraid of getting AIDS at a bar. Then just relax'; an advertisement for the AIDS-sekretariatet, Sundhedsstyrelsen. Colour lithograph by Freddy Pedersen/Laursen, ca. 1995.

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view People sitting on stools at a bar including a figure in full metal armour with the reassuring message 'Turn visors up. Do not be afraid of getting AIDS at a bar. Then just relax'; an advertisement for the AIDS-sekretariatet, Sundhedsstyrelsen. Colour lithograph by Freddy Pedersen/Laursen, ca. 1995.

Contains: 1 image

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People sitting on stools at a bar including a figure in full metal armour with the reassuring message 'Turn visors up. Do not be afraid of getting AIDS at a bar. Then just relax'; an advertisement for the AIDS-sekretariatet, Sundhedsstyrelsen. Colour lithograph by Freddy Pedersen/Laursen, ca. 1995. In copyright. Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work


[Denmark] : AIDS-sekretariatet, Sundhedsstyrelsen, [1995?]

Physical description

1 print : lithograph, printed in colours ; sheet 43.3 x 99.9 cm


Slå visiret op. Du behøver ikke vaere bange for at få AIDS ved en bardisk. Så kom bare frit frem. AIDS-sekretariatet, Sundhedsstyrelsen. AIDS Linjen: 09 91 11 19. Produktion: Freddy Pedersen/Laursen. Tønder. Jersild. Bears logo: AIDS (with a condom on the letter 'i') AIDS-sekretariatet, Sundhedsstyrelsen


Wellcome Collection 676526i

Copyright note

Freddy Pedersen/Laursen Jersild (advertising agency?) AIDS-sekretariatet, Sundhedsstyrelsen 1995? AIDS-sekretariatet, Sundhedsstyrelsen 27/05/2008 Denmark UkLW Transcription from the item



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