Elinor Chapman was asked last minute to join this project, she heard about it through friends and the media. She wanted to get involved because it was such an unusual location, you could get the attention of passers-by who she wouldn't usually reach out to and you could do anything you were passionate about. She is a freelance opera singer who also has a law degree and has in the past worked as solicitor. She has been singing in choirs since she was a child and discusses the transition from chorus to soloist. The reason she loves singing is because you can get an emotional response from the audience. On the plinth she is going to sing a number of different songs, some opera and some musical theatre, for people who wouldn't usually have access to opera. She also loves reading and enviromental issues especially foraging. Her singing is usually well recieved, but she is concerned because she will be singing on the plinth without amplification. She has enjoyed the project so far because it is so varied and people are able to express themselves.