"Pamphlets and booklets of direct interest in formation of FPA"

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"Pamphlets and booklets of direct interest in formation of FPA". In copyright. Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work


Non-FPA publications, assembled by Margery Spring Rice. The file includes:

1. Birth Control and the Public health; being the report of the first ten years [1921-1931] of the Society for the Provision of Birth Control Clinics [preface by Julian Huxley], 1931. MISSING

2. "Medical Views on Birth Control", Workers' Birth Control Group leaflet, c.1924

3. Draft letter to the Nation on Lord Buckmaster's Birth Control Bill, April 1926

4. Committee on Maternal Health Biennial Report, U.S.A 1928

5. "Pre-marital Examinations. A Paper preliminary to a Medical Manual" 1928

6. "The Control of Contraception, present and future" by Robert Latou Dickinson, 1929

7. The Facts about Birth Control" by H P Fairchild, published by National Committee on Federal Legislation for Birth Control, New York 1929

8. "Maternity Centres and Birth Control Information" General Election leaflet published by Joint Committee on Birth Control Information 1929

9. London Public Medical Service. Rules for subscribers, c.1930s

10. "Memorandum to Medical Officers and Superintendents" Eugenics Society leaflet, 1930s

11. National Birth Control Association (NBCA) leaflets: "The Present Need for Birth Control"; "What Birth Control Means" (2 copies); "Birth Control and the Public Health Service" (2 copies); "Family Planning", 1930s

12. Sterilisation without Unsexing by Dr R L Dickinson. American Medical Association, Chicago 1929

13. "The Spermicidal Powers of Chemical Contraceptives" by John Baker. Reprint from Journal of Hygiene, 1930

14. Conference on giving information on Birth Control by Public Health Authorities: Central Hall, Westminster, April 1930. MISSING

15. "Committee for Legalising Eugenic Sterilisation" Eugenics Society pamphlet, c.1930

16. Royal Sanitary Institute. Brighton Congress, July 1932. Presidential addresses on birth control.

17. "Medical problems of contraception" Report of conference organised by National Birth Control Association (NBCA), Birth Control Investigation Committee (BCIC) and Society for Provision of Birth Control Clinics (SPBCC). Reprint from BMJ, 1932

18. "Parenthood by Choice or Chance" National Birth Control Association (NBCA) leaflet, Dec 1934

19. "Maternal Mortality" Report, Oct 1934

20. Population Movements by Louis Ginsburg with preface by Leonard Woolf. New Fabian Research Bureau leaflet no. 37, 1934

21. "Criminal Abortion", by Joan Malleson. Reprint from The Lancet, Feb 1939

22. "The Future of our Population", by C P Blacker and D V Glass. Population Investigation Committee, c.1935

23. "The Development of Marriage Consultation Centers as a New Field of Social Medicine" by Marie Kopp; Reprint from American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Jul 1933

24. "The Ethics of Birth Control" An address by Professor W Langdon-Brown, 1933 MISSING

25. An Outline of a Practical Eugenic Policy. Eugenics Society 1930s

26. "This question of Populations. Europe in 1970" by L J Cadbury. News Chronicle publication, 1930s

27. "Opinions on Major Church's Sterilisation Bill", Eugenics Society 1930s

29. "Birth Control and Maternal Health", Address by Professor D Baird to Glasgow Conference of National Birth Control Association (NBCA); National Birth Control Association (NBCA) leaflet, 1936

30A. "The Pioneer Health Centre" [Peckham, established 1926] Report for 1938 and 1939

30B. "Manalive. A New Biological Study. The Pioneer Centre" Reprint from The Times, Jun 1939

30C. "The Health Question" by Dorrit Schlesinger. Reprint from The Empire Review, Sept 1927

31. "War and the Family" Brochure for Peckham Health Centre home farm, Oakley House, Bromley, Kent May 1940



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1 file


Loaned to John Peel for his history of the FPA.

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