The fourth day of Creation: God sets the sun, the moon, the stars and the signs of the zodiac in the firmament, in order to divide the light from the darkness. Engraving by H. Lochner.

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The interpretation is tentative: possibly the fourth day of Creation (Bible, O.T. Genesis I.14-19). In the centre, surrounded by cherubim, are two men and a dove (the Holy Ghost): they may represent the Trinity. One holds a wand towards the sun and the other towards the moon. The stars and the signs of the zodiac are shown in the sky. Below, the waters have been separated from the earth, as on the third day of Creation (Genesis I.9-10)

Physical description

1 print : engraving



Hanss Lochner.

Creator/production credits

"Hanss Lochner" has not been identified


Wellcome Collection 46471i


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