As an idea has pretty universally prevailed, that the clergy of the Church of England have been busy in fomenting that spirit which has broken out into such illegal violences against Dr. Priestley, and his dissenting friends, we are happy to find it compleatly obviated by the following address, which breathes a spirit of liberality and good sense that is truly edisying. We rejoice that the clergy have taken so proper a step; and hope that, however appearances may have favoured the idea of their having exulted in the late events, they will now be entirely exculpated by the candour of a discerning public. Address not yet signed, from the bishops and clergy of the Church of England to the Rev. Dr. Priestley.

  • Church of England.
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[Birmingham : s.n., 1791]

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2p. ; 1/40.


References note

ESTC T198825



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