Acupuncture chart, small intestine channel of hand taiyang

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The small intestine channel of hand taiyang has 19 acu-moxa locations (i.e. 38 altogether on both sides of the body), all of which are clearly labelled. See 'Lettering' for full list of point names.


Picture title: Illustration of the small intestine channel of hand taiyang. Other lettering (point names): Shaoze (Lesser Marsh); qiangu Front Valley); houxi (Back Stream); wangu (Wrist Bone); yanggu (Yang Valley); yanglao (Support the Aged); zhizheng (Branch of the Upright); shaohai (Lesser Sea); jianzhen (Shoulder True); naoshu (Upper Arm Conveyor); tianzong (Celestial Ancestor); bingfeng (Grasping the Wind); quyuan (Crooked Wall) jianwaishu (Outer Shoulder Conveyor); jianshoushu (Shoulder Guard Conveyor); tianchuang (Celestial Window); tianrong (Celestial Container); quanliao (Cheek Bone Crevice); tinggong (Palace of Hearing



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