Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd: Antigens Agreement

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Wellcome Foundation Ltd
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Slim file of continuing correspondence relating to Antigens Agreement with the Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd, including a note of its termination.

"Antigens Agreement - Summary" (12 August, 1941) giving the main details of the Agreement.

Pages 441-2 from The Chemist and Druggist (18 April, 1942), referring to the registration of Imperial Chermicals (Pharmaceuticals) Ltd "under the direction of the parent company Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd." Also refers to The Therapeutic Research Corporation of Great Britain: "Last November, five of the leading fine chemical manufacturers, while retaining their freedom of action and their separate identities, co-operated to the extent of setting up one research organisation...."

"Report of Meeting between Representatives of Imperial Chemical (Pharamaceuticals) Ltd and Therapeutic Research Corporation of Great Britain Ltd" (meeting held 16 July, 1942, at 183 Euston Road). "In view of desirability in national interest that this work proceed without delay, agreed that, as soon as 'definition of field' was settled, there could be immediate contact and exchange of information between TRC and ICP research workers without waiting for ratification of formal arrangement by the two parties" (concluding point 7).

Brief correspondence (1941-43) in which the Agreement is terminated: "I am instructed by the Board of The Wellcome Foundation to say thart they have had under review from time to time the agreement dated 1st May, 1939, known as the Antigens Agreement, between your Company and the Foundation. Unfortunately conditions have not allowed either party to engage actively in the research originally expected to be done under this agreement nor are there prospects of doing such work in the near future, and my Board therefore think no useful purpose will be served by its continuance. I am therefore instructed to give you twelve calendar months's formal notice to determine the agreement, such termination to be effective as at 30th April 1944, the end of the 5th year of the agreement period" (19 March, 1943).



Physical description

1 file

Copyright note

Copyright assigned to the Wellcome Trust

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