Sacramental meditations and advices, grounded upon scripture texts, proper for communicants, to prepare their hearts, excise their affections, quicken their graces, and enliven their devotions on sacramental occasions. And likewise useful to promote gracious dispositions and resolutions in Christians, at all times, upon the remembrance of a crucified Jesus. Together with a short Christian directory, consisting of forty scripture directions, proper for all Christians intending heaven: and a variety of scripture songs for Zion's travellers in their way thither. To which are added by way of appendix, I. A lecture concerning the institution of the Lord's Supper, on I Cor. xi. 17. to the end. II. A preparation sermon from Josh. iii. 5. III. An action sermon from Cant. ii. 4. By the Rev. Mr John Willison, late minister at Dundee.

  • Willison, John, 1680-1750.
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About this work


Glasgow : Printed by J. Mennons, for W. Coke, Leith, M.DCC.LXXXIII. [1783]

Physical description

viii,288p. ; 80.

References note

ESTC N21329



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