Myologie complette en couleur et grandeur naturelle, composée de l'Essai et de la Suite de l'Essai d'anatomie, en tableux imprimés [d'après les parties disséquées et préparées / par M. Duverney.
- Gautier Dagoty, 1717-1785
- Date:
- 1746[-1748]
- Books
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Paris : Gautier, etc., 1746[-1748]
Physical description
24 unnumbered leaves, 20 color plates ; (folio)
Author's dates from Dict. biog. franç. i.773; others give b. 1710 and d. 1781 or 1786
The collective t.p. of the 'Myologie' is dated 1746, the t.p. of the 'Essai' 1745, and the colophon of the 'Suite' 1748
This work, like 'Anatomie de la tête' and 'Anatomie générale des viscères', forms part of the series 'Cours complet d'anatomie' (a title used again later by his son Arnauld Élio)
According to Choulant, etc., the two parts of the 'Myologie' were first issued separately in 1745 but Gautier's note at the end of 'Anatomie générale des viscères' states that the 'Essai' did not appear until 1746.
Copy 1 Note: Gautier d'Agoty succeeded to Le Blon's three-colour process and added a fourth black plate; this was not an improvement (see L. Choulant 'History .. of anatomic illustration', 1945, p. 270) but his plates are of interest as early examples of medical colour-printing.
Copy 2 Note: Plates X-XX are bound separately.
Where to find it
Copy 1
Location Status Access Closed storesEPB/F/193.1Copy 2
Location Status Access Closed storesEPB/F/155.1