Seven planets personified.

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ff.56-66 Lullius (R.). Alphabets. Extracts from "Practica", etc:f66r. From a collection of alchemical tracts mainly in German, the last two in Latin. Illustrated by numerous water-colour drawings of alchemical apparatus, symbolical representations of processes within flask-shaped figures, etc. On fol. 4 a king and queen, half-length between a coat of arms, on fol. 2 verso, two monks at work in laboratory. On the first leaf the same coat of arms emblazoned, a double-headed eagle sable on azure. The Preface on fol. 1 is in red ink. The last three items in the following list of contents are by different, and later 16th century. hands. Fol. 1 Preface beginning 'Alle Kunst kompt von got'. At the end is the date 15xliii (1543).

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