Johann Lochner, Consilia

  • Lochner, Johann ( -1491)
Late 15th century
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Johann Lochner, <i>Consilia</i>. Public Domain Mark. Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work


A copy of three medical Consilia by Johannes Lochner, in German and Latin, produced in the late 1480s or early 1490s, possibly in Nuremberg.


1. ff. 2r-9v: Johannes Lochner, Consilium seu Regimen sanitatis, in German.

The text was probably put together by Lochner about 1480 at the request of his son Johann (a doctor in law, formerly canon in Regensburg and provost in Forchheim; and pastor of S. Sebald in Nuremberg at the time that the text was compiled), who had asked for his medical advice ahead of a planned voyage to Rome. In 1480 Lochner had already retired from his position as city physician of Nuremberg following the death of his wife, Klara Pirkheimer, and had become an Augustinian canon at the convent of Neunkirchen.

The treatise includes a first part providing general hygienic counsels relating to nourishment, sleep, exercise and so forth, a second part describing medical prescriptions for the most common ailments, and a third part devoted to instructions for protection against the plague.

f. 2r, Incipit: Sequitur consilium sew [sic] regimen sanitatis / Johannis doctoris lochners pro filio suo doctore / quondam plebano ecclesie Sancti Sebaldi, etcetera / Arrediger [?] hochgelerter hebe hers …

2. ff. 11r-v: Pharmacological prescriptions, in German.

f. 11r, Incipit: Die gemein pill[ul]e fur ench züp raüchern [?] …

3. ff. 12r-15r: Johannes Lochner, Das 3 Tayl Dits regiments and letter, in German and Latin.

Medical advice and pharmacological prescriptions for the prevention and cure of pestilence.

f. 12r: Incipit: Das 3 Tayl Ditz regiments ist ven pestilenz von man …

4. ff. 15r-16r: Johannes Lochner, Epistula, in Latin, addressed to his son, dated Neunkirchen 1480.

f. 15r: Incipit: Reverendo patri domino Johanne Lochner utriusque juri doctori praeposito etcetera et plebano S. Sebaldi nurembergis domino ac nato meo predilecto / Praemissis orationibus meis … consilium quem desiderata a me v. p. mitto …

f. 16r, lines 6-10: Explicit: … Et quasi omnia consilia componere et conscribere possent preterque in medicinalibus et medicinis. Ex monasterio Neuen Kirchen feria quinta post maurici [i.e. 28 September] 1480 scriptum per patrem vestrum Johannes Lochner confentualem [sic] ibidem doctorem etcetera.

5. ff. 16r-17v: Johannes Lochner, Consilium a peste preservare, in Latin and German.

A treatise seemingly dedicated to a certain Johann Sutquit, master of arts and medicine, containing short Latin prescriptions against the plague and longer instructions in German for the poor who cannot afford the prescribed remedies.

f. 16r, line 11: Incipit: Consilum [sic] Jo. Sutquit in artibus et medicina magister vestris obsequiis deditum ut a peste preseruauitur [or: praeservavim]. / Primo consulo [sic] ut sepius in die …

6. ff. 17v-22r: Johannes Lochner, Consilium, in Latin.

A third tract drawing from the work of an unidentified Jeronimus Valdensis of Padua, and containing counsels regarding travelling, instructions for a purgative cure in spring-time, remedies against the plague and cough, etc.

f. 17v, line 19: Incipit: Johannes lochner doctor professus ordinis canonicorum regularium sancti augustini in neuenkirchen hoc composuit Consilum [sic] Ieronimi valdensis doctoris et militis. / Quamquam firmiter sciam quam medicos tibi habes / accommodatos et potissimum excellentes genturis [?] tuum / Sed pro officioso tuo in me amore Ieronimiana cupis / remedia ecce ego illa tibi do ...


Late 15th century

Physical description

1 volume

On paper. Watermarks: balance with flat scales within a circle, surmounted by a ring (height: c. 103 mm; width: c. 61 mm; distance between chain-lines: c. 72 mm): similar to Piccard no. 116763 (Nuremberg, c. 1494).

23 leaves, ff. 1, 10 blank, with modern paper flyleaf at the beginning and the end; modern foliation '1-22' in pencil, followed here. 207 x 151 mm. Written area c. 155/178 x 102 mm, single vertical bounding lines ruled in dry point on recto of leaves, no ruling for horizontal lines, 25-38 lines to the page. ff. 15, 16 and 22 written only on recto.

Collation: 116, 212-5 (wanting one leaf between ff. 21 and 22, and seemingly 4 leaves between ff. 22 and 23, i.e. vi, viii-xi).

Written in black ink in a formal German cursive Gothic hand, slightly sloping to the right, copying some recipes in figures of division. A different and more current German hand copied part of the text (see ff. 11r-v, 12r-13v, 15r, 18v and 19r).

Dedicated two-line spaces for decorated initials left blank, with small guideline initial.

Binding: paper over pasteboards, 20th century. Margins cropped by the later binder.


The papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to Archives and Manuscripts material, after the completion of a Reader's Undertaking.

Acquisition note

Purchased 1934.

Biographical note

After completing his studies at Erfurt in 1423, Johann Lochner became the personal physician to the Margraves John and Albrecht of Franconia, with whom he undertook a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 1435. He wrote an account of this which has been printed by the 'Nüremberg Verein für Geschichte der Stadt Nürnberg': Mitteilungen, Heft II, 1879. From 1438 he was the personal physician of the Elector Frederick I of Brandenburg and town physician of Nuremberg; after the death of his wife Klara Pirckheimer in 1467, he became a canon of the Augustinian Priory at Neunkirchen am Brand near Erlangen, where he died in April 1491. On becoming a canon he gave some of his manuscripts and medical books to the Nuremberg physician Sebald Mulner (d. 1495) and bequeathed several other manuscripts to the priory: see Horst Miekisch, Das Augustinerchorherrenstift Neunkirchen am Brand. Seine Geschichte und seine Bedeutung für die Verbreitung der Raudnitzer Reform (University Dissertation, Otto-Friedrich Universität Bamberg, 2005; published in 2006), p. 92 [available online from the Opus Publikationsserver - Universitätsbibliothek Bamberg at]; Ulrike Bauer-Eberhardt in Worlds of Learning. The Library and World Chronicle of the Nuremberg Physician Hartmann Schedel (1440-1514), ed. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, exhibition catalogue (Munich: Allitera Verlag and BSB Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, 2015), pp. 65-67, no. 3.7.

Finding aids

Database description transcribed from S.A.J. Moorat, Catalogue of Western Manuscripts on Medicine and Science in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library (London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1962-1973), vol. 1, pp. 289-90.


In Sudhoff's Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin. Bd. 8, pp. 236-241 is a transcript of a different 'Pestregimen' by Lochner, addressed 'Pro domino plebano S. Sebaldi' of Nüremberg, but the 'Consilium' to Lochner's son in this MS. does not seem to have been known to Sudhoff when he compiled his 'Pestschriften nach der Epidemie des 'schwarzen Todes' 1348'.

Ownership note

Marked '2528' in pencil on upper pastedown.


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Accession number

  • 67048