Reprints etc by colleagues

1935-1971, n.d
Part of:
Roger Ernle Money-Kyrle (1898-1980), psychoanalyst
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Marjorie Brierley, "Affects in theory and practice", International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol XVIII, 1937
Typed flyer for The Child Psychotherapist and Problems of Young People edited by Dilys Daws and Mary Boston
W R D Fairbairn, "The psychological factor in sexual delinquency", Mental Hygiene, Apr 1939
Michael Fordham, "Critical Notices: New Directions in Psycho-Analysis edited by M Klein, P Heimann, R Money-Kyrle" - unidentified journal, c. 1956
Dr O L Forel, "Resentment: an obstable to re-education" n.d.
Ernest H Hutten, "An interpretation of the mind-body problem" American Imago, Vol 18, 1961
Arthur Keith, "Reviews: 'Race, Sex, and Environment' [Marett]: A new theory of man's evolution", British Medical Journal, 28 Dec 1925 (received from John Rickman)
H S Klein, "A case of ulcerative colitis", photocopy of typescript, n.d.
M D Kouretas, "Application de la psychanalyse a l mythologie: La nevrose sexuelle des Danaides de'apres les 'Suppliantes' de Eschyle", Extrait de Comptes rendus du Congres des Medicins Alienistes et Neurologistses, Bordeaux, 30 Aug-4 Sep 1956
M D Kouretas, "Trois cas de necrophilie dans l'antiquite", Extrait de Comptes rendus du Congres des Medicins Alienisteset Neurologistses, Strasbourg, 21-26 Jul 1958
D Kouretas, "Aspects modernes des cures psychotherapiques pratiquees dans les sanctuaires de la Grece antique", Communication au 5e Congres de Medecins-Ecrivains, Athens, 1961
Ernst Kris, "The 'Danger' of Propaganda", American Imago, Vol II, Mar 1941
Clinical Psychology: A quarterly journal devoted to the scientific study of human personality (Forman College Post Office, Lahore), editor Dr I Latif, Vol 1 no 3, 1950
A Limentani, "The significance of transsexualism in relation to some basic psycho-analytical concepts: summary", typescript n.d.
Frank Philips, "The function of adolescence", typescript n.d.
S H Posinsky, "The Death of Maui", Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association,, Vol V, Jul 1957
S H Posinsky, "Instincts, culture and science", Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol XXVII, 1958
Heinrich Racker, "Some notes on Freud's personality", Samiska, Vol 11, c. 1956 Heinrich Racker, "Contribution to the problem of psycho-pathological stratification", International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol XXXVIII, 1957
Heinirch Racker, "On Freud's position towards Religion, i>American Imago, Vol 13
Heinrich Racker, "Character and Destiny", American Imago, Vol 14, 1957
Heinrich Racker, "The meanings and uses of countertransference", Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol XXVI, 1957
Heinrich Racker, "Considerations psychanalytiques sur le 'Cocu Magnifique' de F Crommelynck", Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse, Nov-Dec 1957 Heinrich Racker, "Counterresistance and interpretation", Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association,, Vol VI, Apr 1958
Heinrich Racker, "Psychoanalytic technique and the analyst's unconscious masochism", Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol XXVII, 1958
Ernest A Rappaport, "The grandparent syndrome", Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol XXVII, 1958
John Rickman, "A case of hysteria: theory and practice in the two wars", Lancet, 21 Jun 1941
Dr Herbert Rosenfeld, "Problems occurring in the psycho-analytic treatment of schizophrenic patients", typescript n.d.
Dr H Rosenfeld, "Object relations of the acute schizophrenic patient in the transference situation", typescript n.d.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol 95, Jan-Jun 1965
Joseph Sandler, "Zum begriff des uber-iches", Psyche, 4-XVIII 1964-65
Charles Socarides, "Meaning and content of a pedophiliac perversion", Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association,, Vol VII, Jan 1959
Charles Socarides, "The function of moral masochism: with special reference to the defence process", International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol XXXIX, 1958
Charles Socarides, "Theoretical and clinical aspects of overt male homosexuality", Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association,, Vol VIII, Jul 1960
Hans Thorner, "Ursache, grund und motiv", Psyche, XVI-11, `1963
L Veszy-Wagner, "The bearded man",American Imago, Vol 20, 1963
Moyra Williams, "The effect of past experience on mental test performance in the elderly", British Journal of Medical Psychology, Vol 33, 1960
J O Wisdom, "Freud and Melanie Klein: Psychology, ontology and weltanschauung", ? in Philosophy and Psychoanalysis<,/i> (ed Hanley and Lazerowitz), International Unviersities Press, New York, 1971
"'Tommy' or Mrs Parsloe's autobiography", typescript, author unidentiifed, n.d.
Incomplete typesscript paper, author unidentified, n.d.
"A plan to deal with the miner's [sic] dispute", typescript, author unidentified, n.d.


1935-1971, n.d.

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