English Language Autograph Leters: GE-GL

  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


1. Letter from Samuel Jones Gee to Dr. Dobie, regarding the unsatisfactory progress of a male patient, 8 October 1897.

2. Letter from Sir William Gell to an unnamed recipient, 22 November 1833.

3. Letter from F. George to Henry Gray regarding the pedigree and history of the George family, 27 January 1904.

4. Letter from George Asser Gepp to J. A. Repton regarding a publication about the history of Buleigh Abbey, 21 August 1840.

5. Letter from Horace Martin Gezon to Edgar W. Todd, 23 February 1949.

6. Note from Ashley Gibbings to an unnamed recipient enclosing a donation of £1 towards the Stone Testimonial, 19 September 1882.

7. Letter from Francis Gibson to Dixon, 2 July 1862.

8. Letter from J. Brand, Secretary of the Edinburgh Botanical Society, to George Stanley Gibson, 11 December 1843.

9. Letter from John Rowland Gibson to James Shuter (1846-1883) regarding the committee for the Stone Testimonial, 10 August 1882.

10. Letter from William Gifford to the Reverend George D'Oyly (1778-1846), theologian and biographer, 5 November 1810.

11. Five letters from Davies Gilbert: to an unnamed recipient concerning the parish register of the Gilbert family, 21 November 1816; to M. P. Baslow of the General Post Office, 18 July 1817; to William Clift, 3 April 1822, plus invite to Clift to attend a Royal Society meeting, 16 November 1830; note to B. Nicholas, 6 August 1823; and to an unnamed recipient, 23 April 1833. Letter from A. B. Becher to Davies Gilbert, 19 January 1831.

12. Two letters from Sir Henry Gilbert to Bailey Denton, 27 February 1886, and J. F. Plowman, 28 September 1895.

13. Note from William Gilbert to Stone regarding an appointment, 30 April 1880.

14. Note from Sir David Gill to an unnamed recipient sending his autograph, 30 September 1908; Letter from Gill to Sir William Hope Flower (1831-1899), congratulating him on the recognition of his services to science by the German Emperor, 25 June 1898.

15. Letter from James Gillman to Joseph Cottle containing an account of the fatal illness and post-mortem examination of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 2 November 1835.

16. Letter from Thomas Girdlestone to Mr Davey, regarding a case of vaccination, 9 November 1808.

17. Three letters from Herbert John Gladstone, Viscount Gladstone to L. Hill, 12 July 1881; J. M. Ludlow, 15 July 1882; and Hart, 22 March 1887.

18. Letter from John Hall Gladstone to an unnamed recipient, 11 March 1875.

19. Letter from Joseph Glanvill to Dr Henry More (1614-1687), theologian, regarding the hypothesis of the "After State" of pre-existence, n.d.

20. Two letters from Samuel Glasse to Mrs Thrale, 22 April 1775; and the Reverend Dr Gaskin of Whitechapel Church, 18 October 1806.

21. Letter from Henry Gillard Glindoni to Tuisson Braithwaite about his picture of "Queen Elizabeth and Dr Dee", 8 September 1896.

22. Letter from James Gray Glover to an unnamed recipient asking for consideration of the case of Andrew Adams Bolton, 5 February 1874.

23. Letter from Maxwell Garthshore to Dr Pulteney, 24 February 1794; prescription, 12 December 1789.

24. Two letters from Sir Samuel Garth dated 15 April 1703, one to an unnamed recipient, and the other to Sir John Lowther giving his opinion about Sir John's condition and recommending "Jones' Laudanum" for his rheumatic gout; note saying that Captain Holland of Lord Shannon's Regiment is very ill and cannot serve in post, signed by Richard Blackmore and Samuel Garth, 4 March 1718; three financial certificates, 19 April 1706, 17 February 1715, and 2 January 1717; prescription, 15 April 1703.



Physical description

1 File

Acquisition note

Purchased from Mrs. Barrett, London, March 1930 (acc.91327); Stevens, London, September 1930 (acc.56579), March 1931 (acc.56474), (acc.68126) and (acc.68130), and July 1931 (acc.68209); Sotheby's, London, April 1919 (acc.67282), February 1931 (acc.56320), and November 1933 (acc.67469); Glendining, London, March 1932 (acc.67624), December 1933 (acc.67818), and August 1934 (acc.67907); either from Desgranges, Paris, January 1936, or Glendining, London, c.1932 (acc.69293); Mrs. Watson, Burnley, March 1945 (acc.72200), presumably once part of the Thomas Madden Stone autograph collection; E.Hall, Gravesend, circa January 1965 (acc.311503); and John Wilson, Eynsham, December 1990 (acc.348402). Transferred from Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, c.1939 (acc.91800). Provenance details of other items not recorded.

Biographical note

Samuel Jones Gee (1839-1911). Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians.

Sir William Gell (1777-1836). Archaeologist and traveller.

F. George (fl. 1904).

George Asser Gepp (1769-1856). Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.

Horace Martin Gezon (fl. 1949). American Pediatrician.

Ashley Gibbings (fl. 1882).

Francis Gibson (1814-1876). Physician and author.

George Stanley Gibson (1818-1883). Botantist.

John Rowland Gibson (1814-1892). Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.

William Gifford (1756-1826). Critic and poet.

Davies Gilbert (formerly Giddy) (1767-1839). President of the Royal Society.

Sir Henry Gilbert (1817-1901). Agricultural chemist.

William Gilbert (1804-1890). Surgeon and author.

Sir David Gill (1843-1914). Astronomer.

James Gillman (fl. 1835). Friend and medical attendant of Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

Thomas Girdlestone (1758-1822).

Herbert John Gladstone, Viscount Gladstone (1854-1930).

John Hall Gladstone (1827-1902). Chemist.

Joseph Glanvill (1636-1680). Fellow of the Royal Society.

Samuel Glasse (1735-1812). Theologian.

Henry Gillard Glindoni (d. 1913). Portrait painter.

James Grey Glover (d. 1903).

Maxwell Garthshore (1732-1812). Physician and accoucher.

Sir Samuel Garth (1661-1719). Physician and poet. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians.

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