Acu-moxa chart: Triple Burner channel in the hand and arm

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Woodblock illustration from a work on 'Chinese' medicine by the 18th century Japanese physician Hara Masakatsu, published in 1807 (4th year of the Bunkwa era). The sanjiao (Triple Burner) channel of hand shaoyang is one of the Twelve Channels. It originates at the guanchong (Rushing Pass) point at the outer edge of the hand,and terminates at the ermen (Ear Portal) point on the face. Acu-moxa points on this channel located in the hand and arm include guanchong (Rushing Pass), yemen (Fluid Portal), zhongzhu (Central Islet), yangchi (Yang Pool), waiguan (Outer Pass), zhigou (Branch Ditch), huizong (Ancestral Meeting), sanyangluo (Three Yang Tract), sidu (Four Rivers), tianjing (Celestial Well), qinglengyuan (Clear Cold Abyss), xiaoluo (Dispersing Luo River), jianzhen (Shoulder True) and jianjing (Shoulder Well).


Guanchong (Rushing Pass); yemen (Fluid Portal); zhongzhu (Central Islet);); yangchi (Yang Pool); waiguan (Outer Pass); zhigou (Branch Ditch); huizong (Ancestral Meeting); sanyangluo (Three Yang Tract); sidu (Four Rivers); tianjing (Celestial Well); qinglengyuan (Clear Cold Abyss) , xiaoluo (Dispersing Luo River) [Acu-moxa locations]


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