Segment 1 The credits are shown with a specially written pop song about "The Five" being played over the top. A house is seen at night from the outside and a young girl is heard coming home and going up to bed, saying as she takes her shoes off, "My feet!". Her bed is shown and her foot pokes out from under the blanket and the toes come to life, stretch and begin complaining about the way they have been treated by their owner. A flashback to that morning shows the girl buying a new pair of shoes without having her feet measured and thus ending up with a pair that are too tight. In the evening she goes to a party, which is signified by psychedelic patterns moving around in time with the pop music. The toes are seen bouncing up and down in pain and reacting when they are stepped on by someone else. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:03:53:19 Length: 00:03:53:19
Segment 2 After discussing the terrible time they had at the party, the little toe falls asleep, and they all doze off, dreaming of how they would like to be treated. The foot is seen being measured for length and width and a properly fitted shoe being worn. The toes also mention that they would like to go barefoot around the house, before all falling asleep again. Time start: 00:03:53:19 Time end: 00:06:18:01 Length:00:02:24:11