"Boiled Sweets"

Part of:
David Beales: archive
  • Archives - Digital

About this work


Drafts, cover designs and manuscripts for an essay called Boiled Sweets which appears to be an early version of the first chapter of Beales' published book After the Asylum (chapter titled "Liz and the Piano Man"). See PP/DBL/C/8 for material about After the Asylum.

The files do not have accurate timestamps and so the date provided has been estimated by the cataloguer. The essay would have been written after Liz Brown's death in 2005 and prior to After the Asylum, which was published around 2015.



Physical description

14 document files, 3 image files 7.28 MB (7637049 bytes) Original media: Windows formatted flash drive

Related material

Wellcome holds a copy of After the Asylum

Appraisal note

Digital material has been transferred from the original physical media to secure storage. The physical media has not been retained.

Terms of use

This item is closed and cannot be accessed. Please see our Access Policy for more details. Closed until 1 January 2090.

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