The art of waiting ... : on fertility, medicine, and motherhood / Belle Boggs.
- Boggs, Belle
- Date:
- 2016
- Books
About this work
"Belle Boggs recounts her realization that she might never be able to conceive. She searches the apparently fertile world around her -- the emergence of thirteen-year cicadas, the birth of eaglets near her rural home, and an unusual gorilla pregnancy at a local zoo -- for signs that she is not alone. Boggs also explores other aspects of fertility and infertility: the way longing for a child plays out in the classic Coen brothers film "Raising Arizona"; the depiction of childlessness in literature, from "Macbeth" to "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"; the financial and legal complications that accompany alternative means of family making; the private and public expressions of iconic writers grappling with motherhood and fertility. She reports complex stories of couples who adopted domestically and from overseas, LGBT couples considering assisted reproduction and surrogacy, and women and men reflecting on childless or child-free lives."--Provided by publisher.
Physical description
Bibliographic information
Where to find it
Location Status History of MedicineTPH /BOGOpen shelves
Permanent link
- 9781555977498
- 1555977499