A manifest and apparent confutation of an astrological discourse, lately published to the discomfort (without cause) of the weake and simple sort, as will by the sequel of that which foloweth, euidently appeare : With a briefe prognostication, or astrologicall prediction, of the coniunction of the two superiour planets, Saturn and Iupiter: which shalbe in the year of our Lord God 1583 the 29. of Aprill, at three of the clocke in the morning. / VVritten the 25. of March by Thomas Heth, Master of Art.

  • Heath, Thomas (Astronomer)
  • Books
  • Online

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About this work

Also known as

Confutation of an astrologicall discourse


[London] : Printed by Robert Walde-graue, dwelling in Foster Lane, ouer against Gold-smiths Hal, at the signe of the George. By the assent of Richard VVatkins, [1583]

Physical description

84 unnumbered pages : illustrations


A reply to: Harvey, Richard. An astrological discourse upon the great and notable conjunction of the two superiour planets, Saturne & Jupiter, which shall happen the 28. day of April, 1583.
Signatures: [A] B-E F2.
The first leaf is blank except for signature-mark "A".
This edition has B1r catchword: Lastly,.
Quire [A] and B1r are reimposed from STC 13255.
Identified as STC 13255 on UMI microfilm reel 345.
Reproductions of the original in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery.
Appears at reel 345 and at reel 1960 (same copy filmed twice).

References note

STC (2nd ed.) 13255.3

Reproduction note

Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, 1999- (Early English books online) Digital version of: (Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 345:9 and 1960:11) s1999 miun s



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