Reviews, 521-540

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Daley, Sir (William) Allen (1887-1969)
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521, Jackson, T P M, "A Comprehensive School Medical Examination" Medical Officer, 24 Nov 24 1961, vol 106, no 21, pp 317-20. Your Health 30

522, Withnell, A, Briggs, Barbara, Hargreaves, Irene and Shaw, Mary, K, "A Non-Routine Scheme of Medical Inspection for Junior Schools" Medical Officer, 24 Nov 1961, vol 106 no 21, pp 320-22. Your Health 31

523, Douglas, J, Edgar, W and Horne, Kathleen, "The Bradford Maternity Scheme. A Review of Two-and-a Half Years' Progress" Medical Officer, 1 Dec 1961, vol 106, no 22, pp 333-7. Your Health 32

524, Stephens, L S, "Caravans and Infant Mortality" Royal Society of Health Journal, Nov-Dec 1961, vol 81, no 6, pp 317-21. Your Health 33

525, Bacon, L J, "Development in Periodic Medical Inspection of Schoolchildren" Royal Society of Health Journal, Nov-Dec 1961, vol 81, no 6, pp 322-7. Your Health 34

526, Sheldon, J H, "Old People and their Health" South African Medical Journal, 11 Nov 1961, vol 35, no 45, pp 935-9

527, Mackintosh, J M, "Health, Medicine and Social Change" Canadian Journal of Public Health, Nov 1961, vol 52, no 11, pp 455-62. Your Health 36

528, Ministry of Health. Report on the Ministry of Health for the Year 1960. Part II. On the State of the Public Health being the Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer (HMSO, 1961). Your Health 1

529, Halsall, R W and Lloyd, W H, "Admission of Elderly People to Hospital. Relative Importance of Medical and Social" BMJ, 30 Dec 1961, pp 1768-70. Your Health 2

530, Ancira Villarreal, G, "Vacunacion antituberculosa con BCG" (Vaccination against tuberculosis with BCG) Bol. Epidemiologico, Nov-Dec 1960, vol 24, pp 149-55. Your Health 3

531, Stewart, W H and Enterline, P E, "Effects of the National Health Services on Physician Utilization and in England and Wales" New England Journal of Medicine, 14 Dec 1961, vol 265, no 24, pp 1187-94. Your Health 4

532, Asrilant, M, Inglisini, C and De Schnir, R E,"Exacerbacion de dermititis atopica por vacuna antipoliomielitica" (Exacerbation of atopic dermatitis by anti-poliomyelitis vaccine) Semana Med., 20 Nov 1961, vol 119, no 42, pp 1769-70. Your Health 5

533, Skone, J F, "The Health and Social Welfare of Immigrants in Britain" Public Health, Mar 1962, vol 76, no 3, pp 132-48. Your Health 6

534, Parry, W H and Griffith, A, "Ornithosis. An Epidemiological Study in Liverpool" Medical Officer, 23 Mar 1962, vol 107, no 12, pp 181-2. Your Health 7

535, Report of a Symposium on the First Year of Life held in the Royal Victoria Hotel, Sheffield, 8 October 1961, Journal of the College of Practitioners, Feb 1962, vol 5, no 1, supplement pp 1-46. Your Health 8

536, Bustelo, J, "Saturnismo latente entre los soldadores de material de hierro galvanizado" (Latent lead-poisoning among galvanized iron material welders) Med. y Seguridad del Trabajo, Jan-Mar 1962, vol 10, no 37, pp 60-3. English Summary. Your Health 9

537, Martine, W R, "The Case for Smoke Control Areas" Royal Society for the Promotion Health Journal, Mar-Apr 1962, vol 82, no 2, pp 103-4. Your Health 10

538, Campos Salas, A, Verduzco Penafiel, A and Montano Vallejo, V, "Sifilis. Algunos. aspectos de su epidemiologia en Mexico" (Syphilis. Some aspects of its epidemiology in Mexico) Bol. Epidemiologico, Apr-May-Jun, vol 25, no 3, pp 68-80. Your Health 11

539, Bustimente, M E and Calderon R C, "Epidemiologia de la poliomielitis en Mexico" Bol. Epidemiologico, Jul-Aug-Sep 1961, vol 25, no 3, pp 87-97. Your Health 12

540, Calderon, R C, "Programa de control intensive de la poliomielitis in Mexico" Bol. Epidemiologica, Jul-Aug-Sep 1961, vol 25, no 3, pp 98-101.Your Health 13



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