Catalogus translationum et commentariorum : Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin translations and commentaries : annotated lists and guides. Vol. 1- / editor-in-chief: Paul Oskar Kristeller.

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About this work

Also known as

Mediaeval and Renaissance latin translations and commentaries


Washington : Catholic University of America Press, 1960-

Physical description

volumes ; 28 cm


At head of title: Union académique internationale.
Vols 3-6 editor in chief, F. Edward Cranz; v.7- editor in chief, Virginia Brown.

Language note

English and Latin text.

Reproduction note

Electronic text and image data. Ann Arbor, Mich. : University of Michigan, Michigan Publishing, 2008. Includes both TIFF files and keyword searchable text. ([Catalogus translationum et commentariorum]) ([ACLS Humanities E-Book]) Mode of access: Intranet.


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