Practical essays on the management of pregnancy and labour; and on the inflammatory and febrile diseases of lying-in women / By John Clarke.

  • Clarke, John, 1761-1815.
    >/ S' W7 s/K s v y^ ^ i PRACTICAL ESSAYS ON THE MANAGEMENT OF PREGNANCY AND LABOUR: * AND ON THE INFLAMMATORY and FEBRILE DISEASES O F LYING-IN WOMEN, By JOHN CLARKE, M. D. Phyfician. to the General Lying-in Hofpital in Store-Street, and to the Afylum foi female Orphans; and Teacher of Midwifery in London. * AffCJSPS HJZX.K 0, QUA MIHI SITS YEN! AM. VIA INSISTENDUM ZST, V T JE.Gt.13 ST3EKSAM. LONDON: \' PRINTED FOR J. JOHNSON, ST. PAULAS CH'JRCH-YA?.t**
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    RICHARD WARREN, M.D. F.R.S. PHYSICIAN TO THE KING AND PRINCE OF WALES* SIR, 1 take the liberty of addrefling the following Effays to you, not more for the fake of flickering them under the patronage of one fo pre-eminently conipicuous for his pro- feffional talents, than that I may avail myfelf of an opportunity of acknowledging my obli¬ gations to you for the kind and fuccefsful exertion of them in my own family. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your molt obliged, and obedient fervant. Queen-Street, Golden-Square, February iz, 1793* JOHN CLARKE.