Hill, Professor Archibald Vivian

  • Hill, Professor Archibald Vivian, 1886-1977
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Miscellaneous letters to AV Hill, 1911-1957. The information below comprises the writer of the letter, the date of the letter, and the old Library accession number of the item, in that order.)

Abderhalden, Emil: 30.1.39 (acc.301867)

Abel, John Jacob: 6.4.33 (acc.301868 )

Adami, John G.: 22.12.19 (acc.301869)

Adrian, Lord Edgar Douglas: 10.11.50 (acc.301870)

Allbutt, Sir Thomas C.: [pre-1914] (acc.301871 )

[American Physiological Society See Wiggers]

Anderson, Sir Hugh K.: 12.5.28 (acc.301873)

Asher, Leon: 7.3.14 (acc.301874)

Azuma, R.: 12.1.51 (acc.301875)

Babkin, Boris P.: 23.4.47 (acc.301876)

Banting, Sir F.G.: 29.10.35 (acc.301877)

Barcroft, J.: 25.12.35 (acc.301878)

Barger, George: 27.9.27 (acc.301879)

Bartlett, F.Charles: 27.9.46 (acc.301880)

Bayliss, Sir W.M.: 15.2.19 (acc.301881)

Bazett, H.Cuthbert: 22.9.47 (acc.301882)

Bellid, Jesus M.: 24.11.38 (acc.301858)

Benedict, Francis Giano.: 4.11.38 (acc.301859)

Best, Charles Herbert.: 3.3.53 (acc.301860)

Bethe, Hans A.: 5.4.34 (acc.301861)

Blackman, Frederick F.: 7.4.26 (acc.301803)

Blackman, Vernon H.: 2.11.26 (acc.301804)

Bohr, Niels: 2.3.36 (acc.301805; and enclosure: 26.10.45 (acc.301806)

Boothby, Walter M.: 1.11.51 (acc.301807; and reply from A.V. Hill: 7.11.51 (no accession number)

Boswell, Percy G.H. 30.10.36 (acc.301810)

Bottazzi, Fil: 1.6.29 (acc.301808)

Bouckaert, Prof J.P.: 12.8.49 (acc.301809)

Boycott, Arthur Edwin: 24.12.33 (acc.301883); 30.12.35 (acc.301884); and 18.11.37 (acc.301885)

Boys, Charles Vernon: 17.1.33 (acc.301811); 6.2.33 (acc.301812); and 19.2.33 (acc.301813)

Bragg, Sir William Henry: 25.11.26 (acc.301887); 18.2.36 (acc.301886); 9.5.39 (acc.301814); and 28.8.39 (acc.301815)

Bramwell, Sir Byron: 31.7.23 (acc.301816)

Bronk, D.W.: 7.6.54 (acc.301888)

Brcke, Ernst: 10.4.38 (acc.301817)

Brull, D.L.: undated (acc.301890)

Bull, L.: 4.10.37 (acc.301818)

Burgess, Arthur Henry: 9.10.28 (acc.301820); and 2.8.20 (acc.301819)

Bush, Vannevar: 8.5.50 (acc.301821), with reply from A.V. Hill: 12.5.50: Also 23.5.50 (Acc.301822)

Buytendijk, F.J.J.: 13.4.27: (no accession number): and 24.5.27 (acc.301823)

Camis, Thomas M.: 10.7.26 (acc.301824); and 1.1.33 (acc.301891)

Cannon, Walter B.: 9.1.36 (acc.301892); and 24.5.39 (acc.301825)

Carlson, A.J.: 29.11.47 (acc.301827)

Carpenter, Thorne M.: 25.6.25 (acc.301893)

Cathcart, [Edward Provan]: 27.9.34 (acc.301828)

Cattell, J.Mckeen: 1.11.33 (acc.301829)

Cruikshank, E.W.H.: undated (acc.301894)

Darwin, George Howard [11.11.11] (Acc.301895)

Darwin, Sir Horace: 25.4.19 (acc.301896)

Dohrn, R.: : 2.3.31 (acc.301897)

Einstein, Albert: 30.4.47 (Acc.301899); and reply from A.V. Hill: 17.5.47: (No Accession Number)

Einthoven, Wilhelm: 21.3.25 (acc.301900); and 19.6.26 (acc.301901)

Embden, G.: 26.3.25 (acc.301898)

Fano, Giulio: 19.6.29 (acc.301902)

Fisher, Geoffrey [Cantuar], Archbishop Of Canterbury: 4.11.52 (acc.301826)

Flexner, Abraham: 11.12.30 (acc.301904)

Flexner, Simon: 14.10.29 (acc.301903)

Frank, Otto: 30.10.33 (acc.301905)

Fredericq, Henri: 12.4.38 (acc.301906)

Fulton, John: 27.2.51 (acc.301907)

Gasser, Herbert Spencer: 14.6.38 (acc.301908)

Gill, Sir David: 3.5.13 (acc.301909)

Gorter, E.: 17.12.31 (acc.301911)

Greenwood, Prof M.: 7.2.47 (acc.301914)

Haldane, J.B.S.: 6.11.34 (acc.301910)

Halliburton, William Dobson: 3.4.28 (acc.301912)

Hardy, W.B.: 19.6.29 (acc.301913)

Henderson, Lawrence Joseph: 29.9.37 (acc.301916)

Henderson, Yandell: 4.3.29 (acc.301918)

Herlitzka, Amedo: 27.7.31 (acc.301917)

Hess, Walter Rudolph: 25.9.46 (acc.301919)

Heymans, J.C.: 21.11.18 (acc.301920)

Hill, Sir Arthur William: 22.9.30 (acc.301922)

Hill, Sir Leonard Erskine: 20.3.49 (acc.301921)

Hober, Rudolph Otto Anselm: 29.7.14 (acc.301923); and 15.9.36 (acc.301924)

Hoffmann, F.: 29.2.52 (acc.301925)

Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland: 20.4.15 (acc.301932); and 11.10.33 (acc.301926)

Howells, William Henry: 3.2.35 (acc.301927)

Irvine, Sir James Colquhoun: 29.7.37 (acc.301928)

Johansson, J.E.: 10.6.35 (acc.301929)

Krogh, A.S.: 8.6.36 (acc.301930)

Kuno, Yas: 29.6.50 (acc.301931)

L[Angdon] B[Rown], W.: 9.8.29 (acc.301889)

Maccallum, William G.: 16.1.24 (acc.301933)

Macleod, John James Richard: 3.11.31 (acc.301853)

Marshall, Francis Hugh Aden: 22.11.35 (acc.301830); and 9.2.36 (acc.301831)

Marston, Hedley Ralph: 19.4.[48] (acc.301832)

Martin, Sir Charles James: 22.9.45 (acc.301833)

Mees, Charles Edward Kenneth: 23.3.50 (acc.301834)

Meyer, Kurt H.: 6.2.52 (acc.301835)

Morgan, Thomas Hunt: 17.8.35 (acc.301836)

Negrin, Juan: 12.5.30 (acc.301837)

Nolf, Pierre Adrian: 10.3.45 (acc.301838)

Noyons, Adrian Karel Mare: 14.9.19 (acc.301839)

Ochoa, Severo: 12.10.17 (acc.301840)

Orbeli, Leon Abgarovich: 7.8.30 (acc.301841)

Park, Edwards A.: 11.4.46 (acc.301843)

Parker, George H.: 28.8.33 (acc.301844)

Pavlov, Ivan: 29.12.25 (acc.301846); and 13.2.29: (no accession number)

Piper, Hans: 28.3.14 (acc.301845)

Richards, Alfred N.: 17.3.38 (acc.301847)

Rogers, Sir Leonard: 12.7.47 (acc.301848)

Ross, Sir Ronald: 7.2.21 (acc.301849)

RUTHERFORD, Ernest, 1st Baron: 7.1.31 (acc.301852)

Sharpey-Schafer, Sir Edward Albert: 10.6.29 (acc.301854)

Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott: 4.11.30 (acc.301855; and 16.10.31 (acc.301856)

Shore, Lewis Erle: 3.11.35 (acc.301857)

Szent-Györgyi, Albert: 29.5.50 (acc.301915)

Verzar, Frigyes: 10.10.52 (acc.301863)

Warburg, Otto Heinrich: 10.5.34 (acc.301864)

Welch, William H.: 13.9.16 (acc.301865)

Wiggers, Carl J.: 1.5.50 (acc.301872; and reply from A.V. Hill: 8.5.50: (No Accession Number)

Willstatter, Richard: 30.3.36 (acc.301862)

Yerkes, Robert Mearns: 8.3.49 (acc.301866)

Paget, Stephen, Letter To Starling: 26.6.08 (acc.301842)

Photocopied additional material

[Engelhardt, V.A. Typed letter, unsigned: 4.5.57: - letter not found]

Royal Society of Medicine Signatures of attenders to dinners:

(1) Rockefeller Foundation: 25.2.48 (acc.301851)

(2) In honour of Prof Ernst Rothlin 5.12.50 (acc.301850)

The following were sent by Professor A.V. Hill to Dr Poynter, WIHM, March 1970 (Lib. Acc No 319207). A copy of A.V. Hill's covering letter is included.

1. Letter from J.S. Rosenthal re dog presented to Pavlov by Cambridge students: : 4 Nov 1936

2. Letters by or about Leon Orbeli, 1936-57 including letter from V.A. Engelhardt and translation with A.V. Hill's reply, 4 June 1957

3. Translation of extract from Orbeli's Reminiscences, published after his death.



Physical description

1 box

Acquisition note

The following miscellaneous letters were sent by Professor Hill to the Wellcome Institute Library in several batches between 1955-1970. A few typed carbon copies of Hill's replies are included. The letters were assigned library accession numbers prior to transfer to the Contemporary Medical Archives Centre and these have been included in the list for reference. There are two letters from Ivan Pavlov: the second, dated 13 Feb 1929 was presumably to A.V. Hill and evidently given to the Wellcome Institute separately. One letter from Stephen Paget to Prof. Starling has been placed at the end of the list, as have photocopies of Royal Society of Medicine dinner signatures. Photocopies of additional correspondence given by Hill in 1970 are also placed at the end.

Biographical note

A.V. Hill was Professor of Physiology at the University of Manchester (1920-23) and University College London (1923-25) and Secretary of the Royal Society from 1935. He incorporated the liberation of energy in muscles and in 1922 shared the Nobel Prize for physiology and medicine with Otto Meyerhof.

Related material

At Wellcome Collection:

See also letters in GC/223 (Bayliss).

Further material is held at Churchill College Cambridge.

Location of duplicates



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  • LocationStatusAccess
    Closed stores

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Accession number

  • 180
  • 487