Sir Charles Scarborough and Dr Edward Arris conducting an anatomical dissection. Watercolour painting by G. P. Harding after an oil painting by R. Greenbury.

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About this work

Physical description

1 painting : watercolour ; image 20.5 x 18.9 cm


Sir Charles Scarborough and Dr Edward Arris from the original in Barber-Surgeons Hall Inscription: Hæc tibi Scarburgi Arrisius, queis spiritus intus / Corporis humani mobile versat opus. / Ille opifex rerum Tibi rerum arcana reclusit, / Et Numen verbis jussit in esse tuis. / Ille dator rerum tibi res indulsit opimas, / Atq. animum, indultas qui bene donat opes / Alter erit, quisquis magna hæc exempla sequel [i.e. sequetur], / Alterutri vestrûm nemo secundus erit. Translation of inscription: To you, Scarborough, Arris [offers?] these things, in which the inner breath Moves the work that is the human body. The creator of the world has revealed the mysteries of the world to you, And has ordered divinity to be in your words. The giver of the world has bestowed on you riches, And a mind which does well to pass on freely the riches bestowed. Second will be whoever follows these great examples, [but] To the one or the other of you no-one shall be second


Wellcome Collection 543625i


Where to find it

  • Bears collector's mark: W in oval
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