Longmore Pamphlet Collection: Volume 3

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Longmore Pamphlet Collection: Volume 3. Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.

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Hill, Berkeley Hill, Treatment of the sick and wounded made at the Sat of War-(address), 1870.

Hill, Berkeley Hill, Letter re publication to T. Longmore, n.d.

Moore, Sandford, Notes with a Prussian Sanitéts detachment in the Loire Campaign 1870, 1872.

Moore, Sandford, Letter re pamphlet to T. Longmore, 1872.

Osborn, John, An address-In Memoriam, Edmund Alexander Parkes, 1876.

Hewett, F. Creswell, Recollections of Sedan, 1877.

Aitken, William, An address. In memoriam E.A. Parkes, A.M. School Netley (port.), 1876.

Aitken, William, Epitome-writings by Dr. Parkes, n.d.

Longmore, T, Notes on Parkes-Tablet in Solihull Church-Parkes Prize, 1892.

De Chaumont, An address on Army Medical Studies and Military Hygiene, 1876.

Maclean, W. Campbell, Intro. lecture 35th Session, A.M. School Netley, 1877.

Longmore, T, Lecture-An Historical Sketch-Amputation A.M. School, Netley. 31st Session. 1875, 1876.

Longmore, T, Intro. lecture 36th Session, A.M. School Netley, 1878.

Loyd-Lindsay, R.J, R.J.-Lecture on Aid to the sick and wounded in War, 1871.

Staples, Surg. Major, Intro. Lecture to members of the Volunteer Ambulance dept., 1877.

Gordon, Charles Alex, The Administrative Service during Franco-Prussian War, n.d.

A Soldier of the Regt, Voyage and journey of the 2nd Batt. Scots Fusilier Guards from Southampton to Montreal-Winter. 1861-2, 1862.

Gairdner, W.T, Two lectures, n.d.

Gairdner, W.T, Lecture books and practical teaching, n.d.

Gairdner, W.T, Clinical Instruction, 1877.

Guthrie, G.T, Sanitary Commission directions to Army Surgeons on the field of battle, n.d.

Porter, J.H, Excision of the head of the right humerous for caries - result of an injury, 1875.

MacCormac, Wm, Remarks on Gunshot wounds of the lower extremity, n.d.

Welch, Francis H, Observation on the Anatomy of Taenia Mediocanellata, n.d.

Welch, Francis H, Description of the threadworm. Filaria immitis occasionally infesting the Vascular system of the dog and remarks on the same relative to Haematozoa in general and the filaria in the human blood, n.d.

Welch Francis H, Aortic Aneurism in the Army, 1876.

Lawson, Robert, Yellow fever, 1862.

Parkes, E.A, Obituary notice Sir James Clark, 1871.

Merchant, Taylor's, School Fasti, 1874.

Herbert, Lord, Memorial to, 1862.

Nightingale, F, Army Sanitary Administration and its reform under the late Lord Herbert, 1862.

Nightingale, F, Life or death in India, 1874.

Fayrer, J, European child-life in Bengal, 1873.

Franklyn, H.B, Twelve short essay chiefly on Military Subjects, 1875.

Parkes, E.A, A scheme of Medical Tuition, 1868.

De Chaumont, F, On the pecuniary value of the Emoluments and Pensions of Army Medical Officers, 1874.

Longmore, T, List of printed professional works and papers by, n.d.

Maclean, W.C, Address at A.M.S. Netley 57th Session, 1889.

Bristow, J. Syer, Address A.M.S. netley, 1890.

Balfour, T. Graham, Opening address Royal Statistical Society, 1889.

Memo, Medical arrangements for the Chin-Lushai Expedition, 1889.

Macleod, Sir George H.B, Address in Surgery at B.M.A. meeting Glasgow 1888-The progress of surgery during the last half century, 1888.

Attfield, Prof, The place of Saccharin in Pharmacy with formulae, n.d.

Dowies, Patent Boots. from Mr. Devlin's "Critica Crispiana, or the boots and shoes, British and Foreign, of the Great Exhibition", n.d.

St. John, Ambulance Asscn, Revised system of "Stretcher Exercises", 1883.

Fayrer, J, Regulation as to the defects of vision which disqualify candidates for admission to civil or military services, 1887.

Lawson, Robert, Notes on the transmission of Cholera from one country to another, 1891.

Lawson, Robert, Address Royal Statistical Society-The operation of the contagious disease acts among the troops in the United Kingdom, and men of the Royal Navy in the home station, 1891.

Macleod, George H.B, An exposition of surgical clinical teaching in Glasgow (addres), 1875.

Macleod George H.B, Original letter to Sir T. Longmore, 1875.

A vindication of Saccharin, The French reports refuted-its harmlessness proved and certified by the highest authorities in the world, 1888.

Davies, A.M, The connection between milk supply and disease, 1889.

Lee, W. & Vallance J, Brandy and Salt; a remedy for various external and internal complaints. Homeopathy-Hydropathy, n.d.

Edinburgh, Review, The advertising System, 1843.

Greig, David M, A case of Gunshot injury in which a piece of lead remained embedded in the skull for 31 years, 1890.

Godwin, C.H.Y, The duties of the medical staff of an Army engaged in active operation in the field, 1891.

Longmore, T, Address A.M.S. Netley. "Gentleness in Surgical practice", 1888.

Billings, John S, Address. "Ideals of Medical Eduction", 1891.

International Congress Hygiene London, Die Sektion fur das Marine- und Armee-Sanitatswesen, 1891.

Fayrer, J, Address International Congress of Hygiene and Demography London, 1891.

[No Author], (Preventive Medicine), n.d.

Esmarch, F, Ueber Kunstliche Blutleere, 1874.

Moynier, M.G, De quelques faits récents relalifs a la convention de Geneve, 1886.

Mundy, Baron, Address St. Hohn Ambulance Asscn. "The urgent necessity for making surgical provision for Railway accidents", 1884.

Billings, John S, Address Public Health and Municipal Government, 1891.

De Chaumont, Helen F, Original letter to T. Longmore, 1890.

Maclean, W.C, Original letter to T. Longmore, 1890.

Longmore, T, Report on a mission to Paris. Oct. 1889. 4th Session of the French Surgical Congress together with observations on the Military Medical Schools of France, 1890.

Evatt, G.J.H, Personal recollection of the Afghan Campaign 1878. 1879-80, 1890.

Moynier, G, Conference sur la convention de Geneve, 1891.

British Medical Journal, Suggestion and reasons for improving the medical branch of the Royal Navy, 1874.

Brown, F.J, Requisitions of the Naval Medical Officers, 1865.

Retired D.I.G, The case of the Medical Officers of the Army fairly stated in a letter to Rt. Hon. Earl de Grey, 1864.

[No Author], Remarks on the Royal Warrant Rank, pay etc, 1866.

F.R.C.S, A reply to Mr. Hardy's charge of want of unanimity among Military Surgeons, and a plea for justice and equality, 1875.

Mouat, Surg. Gen, Proposals for the re-introduction of the Regimental System, 1875.

Grant, J.M, The Regimental System discussed with a Regt. C.O, 1870.

Stafford, P.W, Army Medical Service in the past and future - An expostulation, 1875.

Grant, J.M, A plea for the General Hospital System, 1875.

[No Author], "Union," Concerning the Army Medical Department, 1875.



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