[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ealing].

  • Ealing (London, England). Council.
    EAL5 THE HEALTH OF EALING. THIRTY-FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT (1908.) BY Dr. C. A. PATTEN, Medical Officer of the Borough of Ealing. Ealing, W: "times" printing and publishing works, BROADWAY*
    STAFF. Medical Officer of health: C. A. PATTEN, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. Chief Sanitarp Inspector: THOMAS HILL, A.R.San.I. Sanitarp Inspectors: H. SHARPE, C.S.I. J. STUBBS, A.R.S.I. Clerk: G. T. HILL.
    THE HEALTH OF EALING. TO HIS WORSHIP THE MAYOR, ALDERMEN AND COUNCILLORS OF THE BOROUGH OF EA LING. I have the honour of submitting to you the follow ing report in connection with the health and sanitary conditions of your Borough for the year 1908, it being the thirty-fourth occasion on which it has been my privilege to present an annual return. I have made this report as brief as possible, avoiding reference to theoretical subjects, and have thus confined myself practically to the same plan adopted in previous returns. I am able to state what I believe will be fully verified by a consideration of the facts shown in the accompanying tables, that the general health and sanitary well-being of the Borough are fully, indeed, better maintained, and, therefore, show no tendency to a falling off of the invariably excellent position we have for so many years been able to occupy in the sanitary world ; and I may safely challenge compari son with any other district of similar size and popula tion. The staff of this health department has worked diligently and successfully throughout the year, as the compiled statements made by it conclusively show. I am much indebted to the inspectors for the way in which their duties have been performed ; a great deal of their labour can hardly be expressed in statistical tables, as in addition to recorded facts much useful work is done by verbal advice and informal sugges tions. I believe that under the lead of Mr. Hill tact and discretion are shown by all the inspectors, and a comparatively small amount of their recommendations is opposed or attempted to be disregarded. In conse¬