Two naked gay men within a window surrounded by flowers; an illustration by Eddy Varekamp representing an advertisement for a safe sex video show by the 'Het AIDS Team'. Colour lithograph designed by Jan van Bostraeten, ca. 1995.

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view Two naked gay men within a window surrounded by flowers; an illustration by Eddy Varekamp representing an advertisement for a safe sex video show by the 'Het AIDS Team'. Colour lithograph designed by Jan van Bostraeten, ca. 1995.

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Two naked gay men within a window surrounded by flowers; an illustration by Eddy Varekamp representing an advertisement for a safe sex video show by the 'Het AIDS Team'. Colour lithograph designed by Jan van Bostraeten, ca. 1995. In copyright. Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work


Antwerpen (Brugstraat 16 bus, 2060 Antwerpen 6) : V.u. Ludo Van Gils, [1995?]

Physical description

1 print : lithograph, printed in colours ; sheet 59.3 x 41.9 cm


Veilig vrijen video show. Samen kijken naar en praten over veilig vrijen; voor alle mannen en jongens die van mannen houden; gratis, anoniem, erotisch en plezant! Voor meer informatie bellen naar het AIDSteam ... Met dank aan Eddy Varekamp voor de tekening. V.u. Ludo Van Gils ...Vrij (veilig) van zegel art. 198/7. Vormgeving: jan van bostraaten. Bears logo: Het AIDS Team


Wellcome Collection 675559i

Copyright note

Eddy Varekamp (illustration) Jan van Bostraeten (design) Ludo van Gils 1995? Ludo Van Gils Netherlands 20/04/2009 UkLW Transcription from the item



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