4 compilations on:
1. "Weiber, alkoh. chron., Wahn sexueller Untreue", with 2 KE case notes.
2. "Über Eifersuchtswahn", including a short manuscript; abstracts from / cases in literature; and 33 case notes by KE.
3. "Paranoia, Eifersuchtswahn bei Männern, nicht alkoholisch"; with lists [as in PP/KEB/A/22] nrs. 51-68, 69-80; and 3 KE case notes.
4. "Sexuelles Delir im Alkoholismus", with a short list of 9 cases of "Alkoholmelancholie", a manuscript on "Mania ambitiosa alkohol.", 3 lists on delirium tremens (nrs. 1-15, 16-30, 31-38), and 20 KE case notes.