The spirit of the bankrupt laws. Wherein are principally considered, the power and authority of the commissioners, in, 1. Declaring the party bankrupt. 2. Seizing his estate, and summoning him to surrender. 3. Receiving proof of the debts of his creditors. 4. Appointing, chusing, and removing assigness. 5. Conveying and selling his estate and effects. 6. Examining and committing him, his wife, and others. 7. Certifying his conformity. 8. Dividing his estate. 9. Ordering him his allowance, and overplus. These are fully discussed and explained, particularly the power of the commissioners to commit, from the determination of Lords Hardwicke, Mansfield, and of the present judges. With precedents and instructions. To which is prefix'd, a discourse concerning the commissioners of bankrupt. The second edition, with many additions; particularly a supplement By Edward Green, Esq.

  • Green, Edward, commissioner of bankruptcy.
M.DCC.LXIX. [1769]
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London : Printed for J. Williams, at No. 38, next the Mitre Tavern, Fleet-Street, M.DCC.LXIX. [1769]

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xiii,xiii,[10],iv,488,[12]p. ; 120.

References note

ESTC T193883



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