The Complete family-piece: and, country gentleman, and farmer's, best guide. In three parts. Part I. Containing, a very choice and valuable collection of near eight hundred well-experienced practical family-receipts in physick and surgery; cookery, pastry and confectionary, ... for pickling and preserving all sorts of fruits, tongues, hams, &c. for distilling and fermenting of all compound, ... for making mum, cyder, and perry, ... with divers other useful and valuable receipts interspersed through the whole, particularly Dr. Mead's for the cure of the bite of a mad dog: many of which were never before printed, and the others experimentally taken from the latest and very best authorities; ... and being all regularly digested under their proper heads, are divided into six different chapters. Part II. Containing, I. Full instructions to be observed in hunting, coursing, setting and shooting; ... as also receipts for the cleaning and preserving of boots, fire-arms, &c. II. Cautions, rules and directions to be taken and observed in fishing, ... III. A full and complete kalender of all work necessary to be done in the fruit, flower, and kitchen gardens, green-house, &c. with the produce of each, in every month throughout the whole year. Part III. Containing, practical rules, and methods, for the improving of land, and managing a farm in all its branches; ... and a complete kalender of all business necessary to be done in the field, yard, &c. by the farmer, in every month throughout the year. With a complete alphabetical index to each part. The whole, being faithfully collected by several very eminent and ingenious gentlemen, is now first published, at their earnest desire, for the general benefit of mankind.

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About this work


London : Printed: and sold by C. Rivington, at the Bible and Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1736.

Physical description

xii,456,[46]p. ; 120.

References note

ESTC T162305


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